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How to

Create a

Daily Writing Routine

with Ease

Do you have a daily writing routine? Could you write an article every day? How about two of them?

Writing, for some, is uplifting and a reducer of stress. It’s business, and it pays the bills for others. Maintaining two blogs that get a new post every day can either be exciting or overwhelming. It depends on how writing impacts you.

I blog every day. I don’t just do it for this blog. I do it for my Hiking Blog, too. Every day, I publish two posts on two blogs. I plan to do this 365 days a year with no breaks in between. But you might be thinking to yourself that you could never do that. Maybe you can’t. Perhaps you can try, and maybe it won’t pan out. But if you create a daily writing routine, it might just work out for you.

In this article, I’m going to take you into the writing routine that I use every day to ensure that I can write two blog posts every single day.


Daily Writing Routine: Planning Phase

The most essential daily writing phase is to plan for everything you write about.

Planning before writing will help you ensure that you have a strategy in place for what you will be writing about.

If I didn’t plan for my topics, I could never write every day because I wouldn’t know where to start.

Plan first, and you’ll see better writing results.


Creating an Idea

The first step of the planning phase is to create an idea to write about.

This is where you need to look into your niche, industry, or community and see what questions are being asked the most.

I always look at social media and look for questions about digital marketing and content creation. I look for the ones that go unanswered the most. Those are my topic ideas.

Find out what people are asking and write topics about that, and you’ll make it big in the writing game.


Researching the Idea

After you come up with a topic, you need to research it.

The only way to create content that will do well is if the content is well-researched. When answering the tough questions in a niche (your topic), they need an easy solution for them (through research).

I always find my topic and immediately start researching solutions people have come up with. I then test the solutions to find the best one. After that, I studied how I could make giving the solution as simple to understand as possible. People love simplicity.

A good idea is an idea that gets a good amount of thorough research.


Daily Writing Routine: Writing Phase

The next phase of your daily writing routing should be the actual writing phase.

This is where you create the content that you want to publish.

I can assure you that it isn’t always as simple as it seems but with my tips below, it can be a whole lot easier.

Let’s dig into the writing phase now.


Creating the Outline

The first thing you should do is create an outline for your content.

Your outline will start with a title. Then you’ll add sections for the outline. You might add some bullet points that you want to talk about in each section. Some people like to create an intro and an outro before they create the main content.

I start with a good title. My best eye-catching titles are usually “How to” or “Top 10” type titles. Then I put my headings and sub-headings, the topics I’ll discuss in the article. That usually completes my outline.

I usually make an outline the day before I write the content. I like to stay ahead with my writing projects. That helps me write every day.


Writing with AIDA

Using a writing formula for your articles and blog posts can help speed up your process.

If you write things at random, it could take longer. If you choose to use some type of formula, it can speed things up. If you’re consistent with your writing format, it can improve your daily writing routine. Consistently using the same working methods will make you better at what you do.

I use AIDA to write my articles. AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. First, I grab the attention of the reader. Then I get them interested in what I have to say. I get personal with them to create desire. And I finish with a call to action. Doing this every time allows me to make several articles a day easily.

A writing formula will only make your writing more manageable in the end.


Daily Writing Routine: Editing Phase

The last phase of a good daily writing routine is the editing phase.

Editing is important. You make many mistakes in your writing a grammar without really noticing it. With the editing phase, you can identify and correct your errors. This is also an excellent phase to ensure the content is readable and optimized for search engines.

I’ve learned how to automate a lot of my editing, readability, and optimization. The actual writing of content should always be manual. But editing and optimizing tools to help automate the process will speed things up and help you manage your ability to be efficient.

Editing is an essential part of your writing process that you should always take seriously.


Editing with Grammarly

Grammarly is a great software to help you automate your editing process.

Editing can sometimes take longer than the actual writing process, especially if you’re just not in the mood to edit as effectively as you were when writing your article. So, anytime you can find a way to speed editing up, it is a good thing.

I use Grammarly for that exact reason. Grammarly will help you find mistakes in spelling, grammar, and anything you might have missed. Then as you go through the corrections, it suggests changes just in case you don’t want to change something. Grammarly helps make the article more readable, like getting two birds with one stone.

If you can find a tool that will help you edit quicker, you should be consistently using that tool.


Search Engine Optimization Process

Search engine optimization in your daily writing routine will help your content rank better on Google.

The internet is enormous. Everyone has competition. Millions of searches for your niche’s topics are performed daily. A content creator cannot compete on the internet without committing some sort of SEO tactic. Integrating SEO into your daily writing routine is wise for SEO and can also help make your optimization tactics a natural habit.

I write my article with Microsoft Word. I’ve always used it to make the article because I’m used to it. Then after editing, I paste the content onto WordPress with the Yoast SEO plugin installed. Yoast will score my search engine optimization and tell me what I need to do to improve it. Even if you don’t publish with WordPress, it is still a great feature to score optimization results.

If you want your content to reach people online, you must optimize the content for Google and search engines in general.


Your daily writing routine doesn’t have to be some complex thing. With the advice given above, you can make it simple and habitual with little effort. I’ve been using this method for years, and my content ranks on page 1 of Google. If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it, and follow me on Twitter for more tips and advice about digital marketing and content creation.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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