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Have you had the chance to use the Keywords Everywhere tool yet?

Keywords Everywhere is a freemium extension for Chrome and Firefox that helps you conduct keyword research for search engine optimization needs. There is a free version with limited keyword searching and a paid version with more keyword allowances and features.

I’ve noticed that this tool is usually my go-to for basic keyword research. I enjoy the tool so much that I pay for it.

And this is my review of this keyword research tool.

Keywords Everywhere is Simple to Use

Keywords Everywhere

Installing and using Keywords Everywhere is extremely simple.

After installing it to your Chrome or Firefox browser is as easy as simply searching on Google. You search for the keyword or keyphrase you want to target, and it will give you keyword information about the phrase you’re searching for.

I enjoy the blocks on the sides of my search results pages that share keyword research information. It will tell you everything you need to know about the keyword, including other suggested related keywords.

All you need is an idea of what keywords you want to target with your content.


This Tool is Affordable

The pricing structure for the Keywords Everywhere tool is affordable.

Instead of paying a specific monthly amount like most tools, you pay as you go. You can buy credits starting at $10 to $1,000. For $10, you get 100,000 credits. Each keyword you search for is one credit.

I buy $10 worth at a time. I’ve only had to buy it once so far. I write every day for two blogs, and I still have plenty of credits. It depends on your keyword research workload. But the pricing is perfect for an individual or an agency.

When you don’t want to use up your credits during routine searches, you can disable the browser plugin, which will pause your credit use.


Cons of the Keywords Everywhere Tool

It is essential to know the bad of a tool along with the good.

There is only one con with this tool. That is the fact that you lose credits if you don’t disable the extension when not using it for keyword research. If it isn’t disabled, you’ll lose credit for every keyword you search for.

While writing this article, I realized I had run out of credits recently. It took almost a year to blow through 100,000 credits, so they last. But you should disable the extensions if you want them to last longer when doing routine searches.

If that’s the only con I can think of, I think this tool is highly dependable at the end of the day.


I recommend using this tool for your keyword research needs. It will give you everything you need to understand your target keyword, plus suggestions on related keywords. Everything is easy to understand, too. Follow me on Twitter for more keyword research and other digital marketing tips.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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