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Blog Topic

Idea Strategy:


As a daily blogger, it’s essential to have a blog topic idea strategy.

I maintain not one but two daily blogs. That means I write a blog post every day for two blogs. It can be challenging to come up with two ideas for 365 days a year.

So, I needed a blog topic idea strategy to continue to win at daily blogging.

That’s when I came up with the idea of sub-topics.

And now, I want to break sub-topics down to you so that you can use them, too, whether you’re posting daily or once a week.

Blog Topic Ideas Strategy

Blog Topic Idea Strategy: Choose Your Topic

The first phase of the sub-topics blog topic idea strategy is to choose your topic.

Your topic is your main topic.

Your main topic is your niche or the industry you blog about.

I’ll use my hiking blog as an example for this article.

‘Hiking in the Shawnee National Forest’ is my topic, niche, and industry.

Write down your topic on a whiteboard or your favorite word processor.


Blog Topic Idea Strategy: Sub-Topics

Now you need to create sub-topics for your main topic.

Do this based on trends and interests associated with your niche or blogging industry.

So, using my hiking blog again, we know that my main topic is ‘Hiking in the Shawnee National Forest.’

Sub-topics are topics that come from your main topic. So, a list of sub-topics for my main topic will be:

Hiking in the Shawnee National Forest

  • Easy Hiking Trails in the Shawnee National Forest
  • Moderate Hiking Trails in the Shawnee National Forest
  • Rugged Hiking Trails in the Shawnee National Forest

If hiking is the main topic I am targeting with my daily blog, then creating a sub-topic of the general hiking genre will be my blog topic idea strategy.


Blog Topic Idea Strategy: Sub-Sub-Topics

Sub-sub-topic is precisely what they appear to be based on the name.

It’s a sub-topic of a sub-topic from the main topic.

Let’s say your main topic is “breakfast blogging.” Your two sub-topics are “egg breakfast” and “pancake breakfast.”

Your sub-sub-topics would be something like “scrambled eggs breakfast” and “over easy eggs breakfast” under the egg breakfast sub-topic. Then you might have “blueberry pancake breakfast” and “chocolate chip pancake breakfast” under the pancake breakfast sub-topic.

You can continue to make sub-topics from your sub-topics. The level of sub-topics can be as deep as you want it to be.

It’s a perfect blog topic idea strategy and will leave you with endless topics to write about. You have to think about these sub-topics creatively.


Blog Topic Idea Strategy: Related Sub-Topics and Sub-Sub-topics

The same blog topic idea strategy can be applied to related sub-topics.

So, back to my hiking blog’s main topic, ‘Hiking in the Shawnee National Forest.’

A sub-topic as previously stated in ‘Easy Hiking Trails in the Shawnee National Forest.’

A sub-sub-topic could be ‘Easy Hiking Trails for Kids in the Shawnee National Forest.’

But a Related Sub-Topic is different. It’s related to your main topic but is still a little different.

‘Cabin Rentals near the Shawnee National Forest’ would be an example of a related sub-topic. It isn’t about hiking in the Shawnee National Forest but about lodging in a cabin around the forest, an interest a hiker would likely have. Therefore, it would make a great topic to blog about and remain relevant to the main niche of the blog.

I could create a sub-sub-topic of the related sub-topic to general even more ideas.

An example of that could be ‘Cabins rentals near Bell Smith Springs in the Shawnee National Forest,’ which shows cabin rentals close to a recreation area in the Shawnee National Forest. Knowing where to stay locally would be an excellent resource for people visiting to hike that area.


With this blog topic idea strategy, you should never worry about running out of content ideas again. Sub-topics and sub-topics of sub-topics (as deep as you want to take them) will enable you to have unlimited ideas. This can easily be applied to any niche. But I recommend you keep track of the topics you’re writing about, so you don’t create duplicate content. If you enjoyed this article, follow me on Twitter for more blogging tips.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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