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6 Types


Content Titles

that Get Read

Content titles are essential these days.

They are the initial bait and hook of the rest of the article, blog post, or web page.

They must be written at their best; otherwise, no one will read your words. If you want readers, followers, customers, and content consumers – you have to write the best titles you can write.

But titles can be challenging to write.

There are so many types of titles.

But some content titles do better than others. So we’ll look at six different types of titles you should use on your content if you want it to get read.

1 – Listicles are Content Titles that Get Read

Listicles are a great way to get readers on your blog.

These types of content titles are the ones that say “Top 10” or “20 Best Ways” and list more than one item of interest concerning the article’s topic.

One of the best ways to create these is to Google your target keyword and look at the first page results. Then, whatever the highest number listicle post is on there, try to include what they include (but in your own words), plus 10 to 20 more items added to the list.

A couple of great examples of listicle posts include 20 Evergreen Content Examples that Produce Lasting Results by Copyblogger and 10 Hacks for Getting More From Your Facebook Ads by Social Media Examiner.

People love lists and options, and these article types usually get a great response.


2 – How-To Articles are What Everyone is Looking For

If you want true readership success, show people how to do things they want to know how to do.

How-to articles are great for getting clicks and readers. If you can find your niche’s problems and main questions and create an article on how to solve them, you’ll develop loyal readers in no time.

Many people google “How to do something,” and articles using those types of content titles are usually the ones getting clicked on and read.

A few great examples of these types of articles include How Often to Publish on Social Media For Business? By HubSpot and Here’s How to Start an Online Business (9 Steps to Success) by Ahrefs.

If you choose to answer the most challenging questions and you can give easy answers, you’ll likely go viral in your niche or industry.


3 – Industry News is Content Titles that Get More Readers

If you’ve niched down on a specific topic, you should post industry-related news as much as possible.

People in your niche are always looking for the latest and greatest in terms of what is new. Industry news blogs are typically where they find this information. So if you write about a specific niche, you can easily add these types of content titles to your posting schedule.

This is the type of content that you have to be well-versed in. You have to pay attention to the latest news and gossip. You need to be able to report the news as soon as possible.

A few great examples of this title type are Scheduling Twitter Threads is Now Available on Buffer by my blog and Ryan Reynolds Offers A Glimpse Into AI-powered Marketing by Hub Spot.

If you can be one of the first to get the news out, more people will come to you for industry-related updates.

Content Titles

4 – Case Studies Can Get You Reader and Backlinks

Case studies are an excellent form of content titles to marry into your content creations.

Case studies are detailed and well-researched pieces of content that go deep into a subject. Consider case studies like writing a college essay for your blog or website. A case study needs to have the most valuable content possible, usually very long-form.

Case studies also tend to get used as links on other websites. So if you’re looking for your content to become backlinks on other blogs and websites, case studies are more likely to get you those types of links.

A few excellent examples of these content titles include Case Study: How Saves Hours Every Day on Social Media With Buffer by Buffer and A Case Study in HubSpot RevOps by HubSpot.


5 – Interviews Make Great Topic Titles

Everyone is always looking for great interviews to read about their favorite people in the industry or the form of entertainment they’re into.

If you can find the heroes and idols of your audience and conduct interviews with them, you can create some of the best types of web content available. Of course, in the age of everything being content, you could always turn a podcast interview into an article to repurpose existing content.

These types of content titles often include questions by the interviewer (usually you) and the answers by the person you’re interviewing.

A few great examples of interview articles include Intelligent Content in the Enterprise: An Interview With IBM’s Andrea Ames by Content Marketing Institute and Are You Indispensable? An Interview with Seth Godin by Josh Kaufman.


6 – Product Review Content Titles Always Get Read

People always look for reviews on products and services they want.

It’s mainly review articles that help most of us decide whether or not to buy. Every time I want to buy something, I’ll read two or three random blog posts giving reviews of the thing I want to get. If most reviews are bad, I won’t buy the things I want. So I rely on the opinions of those who’ve already tried something out.

If you can spit out a few review posts a month on your website or blog and cover products/services that people want to try, you’ll have no issue getting readers.

Some excellent product review examples include Ahrefs Review: Is This SEO Tool Worth The Money? By Backlinko and My Keywords Everywhere Review by my blog.


And that concludes my six recommendations for the best content titles to start using on your blog, articles, and website. If you’ve found this post helpful, can you do me a favor and share it with your blogger friends? Follow me on Twitter for even more useful content creation tips.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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