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20 Tough Blogging Questions with Easy Answers

Do you have tough blogging questions?

A lot of us do when we’re just starting out. Many of us do when we’ve been blogging for a while. The more you get into blogging, the more tougher questions arise.

It’s normal to have blogging questions, and there is no such thing as a dumb blogging question.

Luckily, most of the tough blogging questions out there have very easy answers.

Tough Blogging Questions: Answered!

These are the top 20 tough blogging questions based on research around the internet. Get your questions answered by checking them out below.

Tough Blogging Questions

1 – Why should I start my own blog?

There are many great reasons why you should consider starting a blog.

One of the main reasons to start a blog is to establish yourself as an expert in your niche and start to develop your reputation.

Blogs are great for building a personal brand and telling your story to the world.

Blogging allows you to connect and network with passionate members of the community that your blog topics are about.

Blogging can help you with your career. They can help you gain a reputation in your career and even help you with getting a new career.

Blogs are a great way to make money online. If you commit and remain consistent, you can even blog full-time eventually.

Blogging can be great for your mental health because you can get your thoughts and stories out even if you don’t intend to have an audience.

Is blogging right for you? You’ll have to take a look at these tough blogging questions and decide if blogging is your thing or not.


2 – What blogging platform should I use?

There are many platforms available for blogging. The best one really depends on your intentions.

If you want to create a personal blog where you share your thoughts and you have no plans to make money with it, then a free blogging host is best for you. Something like Tumblr,, or Blogger might be what you need.

If you want to build a brand, make money, or anything like that, you should use is different than The “.org” version is the self-hosted software. It allows you to do more and make money without restrictions. You’ll need your own domain name and a starter shared web hosting account.

The bad part about using many free blog hosting platforms is that you might be stuck with them if you ever decide you want to move to your own software. You might have to start over and lose all your previous posts to move.


3 – What is the best niche for my blog?

Two things determine the best niche for your blog.

The first thing is your passion. You need to start a blog around a topic that you’re passionate about. This is because you’ll know a lot about it. You’ll be able to come up with new ideas better. You’ll love what you blog about.

The next thing is an audience market. You’ll need to research to see if there is an audience and market for your blog. Look on social media, other blogs, online communities, and even Reddit and Quora to see if an audience exists.

If you choose a niche, you don’t know much about just because it’s popular, and you’ll quickly find yourself running out of ideas and getting the worst writer’s block you’ll ever experience.


4 – How do I come up with ideas to blog about?

You can get many different ideas to write blog posts about from many different sources.

You can pay attention to the latest industry news, updates, and trends and write about those topics. You’ll gain popularity if your blog is one of the first blogs to update on new industry news that will help people in your audience.

You can write about topics based on the information you know about the most. In this blog, I write about three cornerstone topics (my main topics). These topics are blogging, online community, and newsletters. Every post I create is a sub-topic of one of those three main topics.

The best type of blog post to create is answering the hardest questions and solving the toughest problems in your niche. Providing easy answers in a blog post will bring you more traffic and a loyal readership than you’ve ever imagined.

It’s always good to write down your ideas for new articles so that you have something to look at when you need a new idea to post about.


5 – How do I engage with my blogging audience?

The best way to engage with your blog readers is to understand that they’re important for developing your brand. Once you understand that, you’ll know how important engagement is.

You should reply to every comment. If someone says, “I liked your blog.” Respond by saying, “Thank you! What part did you like the most?” You should reply to all comments, start discussions, and keep them going. Don’t turn off comments. Continue to engage with others to keep old content alive. Reply to every comment for as long as you can.

Encourage readers to comment. Ask questions throughout the blog post and encourage them to answer in the comments section. Have an outro on all of your posts, asking readers to comment on what they thought about the post.

Enable the ability for readers to share your posts on social media, email, and social bookmarking. Sharing is a great form of engagement. You can go to where it was shared for further engagement.

Create an online community to accompany your blog. Ask your readers to join to continue discussing each blog post. Be active in the community and post at least one interesting topic daily. Give your readers a voice in the community and foster engagement.

Create social media pages for your blog and actively promote them on your posts. Start engaging in discussions with your social media followers.

Offer incentives and contests/giveaways to your readers in return for them engaging with you and sharing your content.

The best way to promote engagement is to always engage with your readers yourself.


6 – When should I publish my blog posts?

There is no magic bullet for the number of posts or what time you should post on your blog.

Most bloggers post at least once a week on their blogs. But many experts say that posting two to three times a week is best, especially if you want to develop your expertise and earn a profit with a blog.

However, consistency is the most important factor in this equation.

Choose a day of the week and a time and post on that day and time every week.

I post a hiking blog every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 AM CST. I consistently do this mainly so my audience knows when to expect a new post.

I try to recommend posting every single day for a month. This will allow you to understand how to be consistent, and then when you decide to just post once or a couple of times a week or a month after that, it will be a lot easier to do it after posting every single day for a month.


7 – How do I promote my blog for free?

There are many ways to promote a blog. Many of these ways are completely free.

Social media is one of the best ways to promote your blog. You can create an audience with social media and then promote each post you make. You should create social media pages and social groups for your blog. For this to work, you do have to be active on your social media pages.

Optimizing your blog and its content for search engines will help you get more readers and backlinks. This is where you modify your content to rank for specific keywords. You need to research the keywords you use beforehand. Every post should have its own keyword – you should never use the same keyword more than once.

You can post on other blogs as a guest blogger. You can get interviewed on podcasts. You can be mentioned in newsletters. Ensure all these platforms are related to your niche so that you’re promoting to people who will most likely enjoy your blogging content.

Engage in online communities that share the same topic as your niche. You can find these on discussion forums, Reddit, social groups, and websites like Quora.

You have to share your blog with other people for other people to notice it.


8 – How do I make money blogging?

There are many different ways to make money blogging.

As your blog grows in popularity, many companies will reach out to buy sponsored content. This is where they provide you with a post and images and pay you to post them. Make sure the content and images are legal to use. Always put “sponsored content” on the post. If they try to talk you out of doing that, they’re likely a scammer.

Advertising is a common way of making money with a blog. You can use an advertising network like Google AdSense and earn a percentage of ad clicks. You can also sell ads directly and earn more profit than you would by going with an ad network.

Affiliate links are a great way to make money. You earn a commission whenever someone buys a product or service using the link you shared on your blog.

You can also ask for donations, create a paid community, or even sell sponsorships in your newsletter.

If you want to have an exit plan, you can plan to create a blog with content and popularity and then sell the blog for a max amount of profit.


9 – How do I do SEO for my blog?

SEO or search engine optimization isn’t as difficult as it sounds for blogging.

The first thing you want to learn is keyword research. Each post you make should target a unique keyword. The keyword should have some search history. Don’t use highly competitive keywords. It’s best to use SEO tools for keyword research. Great tools include SEM Rush or Keywords Everywhere.

You’ll then insert your keyword into your blog content to make it seamlessly blend in and make sense.

The most important areas to insert your keyword are the slug of the post (part of the URL), the title, the first H1 heading, the first image ALT tag, and your first paragraph. You can mention it a few more times in your main content if you want to. If you use WordPress, the plugin Yoast SEO is great for helping you use your keyword in the right spots.

Other SEO tactics include optimizing your blog for mobile devices, ensuring your blog loading speed is fast, and using a secure domain name (SSL/HTTPS).

SEO isn’t as difficult as it looks. It’s easy to turn it into a habit after doing it a few times.


10 – How do I get loyal readers for my blog?

There are many ways to get loyal readers on your blog.

The best way to get loyal readers is by creating the best content possible. If you can answer their questions and solve their problems with your content, they’ll come to you whenever they need to know something. Every piece of content you make should be your next best thing.

Fully understanding your audience will help you develop them into loyal readers. You should always have a specific target audience that you want to read your content. Choosing “everyone” is too generic and broad, and you’ll always have issues with creating loyal readers. You must be specific about it. Create an avatar of the perfect reader and then create content specifically for them.

Regularly updating your blog with new content and updates to old content will keep readers loyal. You have to be consistent about it. This will tell them when you can be expected to put out new content. Creating a mailing list is a great way to help keep your audience updated with your blog and happenings.

Always engage with your audience. Reply to every comment on your blog. Respond to every comment on social media. Reply to all reader emails. Engage with readers and followers and keep them discussing topics by asking great questions. Build relationships with your readers.

Develop and strong brand and a clear message with your content. People remember brands better than blogs that are not branded. A brand will help your build organic ambassadors around it who will loyally promote your content without you even asking them to.

They’ll remain loyal forever if you’re actively catering to your readership.


11 – How do I write great blog titles and headers?

The best way to write the best blog title and header is to treat it like a book.

Imagine that each blog post you write is meant to be a best-selling novel. That means you need to ensure that all sentences matter. Audit every sentence you write. If it doesn’t provide value to the reader, it doesn’t need to be included in your blog post.

Don’t ever add content just for filler content or fluff. It might cause your reader to quickly get bored and quit reading your content. Then you lose content marketing and gain a new loyal reader.

The best titles and headers grab the attention of others and deliver what they promise. What headers get your attention and make you want to keep reading? Try to answer that and use those headers as examples for your own content.


12 – How do I make my blog mobile friendly?

This is a simple answer.

Put mobile first.

Really! Optimize your blog for mobile readership before anything else. More than 90% of your readers will be using a mobile device. You must optimize your blog for them before anyone else, or you won’t get that many readers.

Mobile users like to scan through the content. They don’t want to spend too much time trying to read a huge paragraph.

Create short sentences.

Create short paragraphs. Your paragraphs should have more than three sentences. Add a new line to break things up and make it easier to read on a mobile device.

Make sure your blog theme is easy to use on a mobile device. A bad user experience will result in low readership.


13 – How can I use social media to promote my blog?

Mastering social media to promote a blog takes some work.

Most bloggers create a social page for their blog and post links to their posts. This method doesn’t work well. That’s because social platforms use algorithms that will favor content that keeps people on their platforms and put fewer views on content that takes people away.

So, what does a blogger do, then?

You create a community that becomes loyal enough to manually look at all your new content without algorithms stopping them from seeing your blog content.

But this takes work. This means you need to focus on getting followers. You do this by posting interesting native content. Native content is text-based posts, images, videos, and anything that doesn’t include an external link.

A good social media strategy to have is to post 90% native content and 10% external content. You can still post links to your blog posts, but that shouldn’t be the only thing you post.

Just remember that social media is rented space. You should never depend on it as your main source for your brand.


14 – Should I guest post on other blogs?

Guest blogging is a great way to advertise your blog and your expertise.

To make an effective guest blog post, you should always write on blogs that relate to your own blog niche. You should also write on their blog like it’s your own blog. Write the best content you can make for their blog.

A guest blog post is all about showcasing you and your expertise. People will see you as generic in your niche if you write something generic.

But if you provide value and give them something special after they read your content, they’ll follow you and become loyal readers if you keep giving them more and more value in your blog’s content.

To be a guest blogger, you must ask other blogs in your niche if you can write for them. You’ll probably get rejected. It might even happen more than once. If it does, don’t let it discourage you from asking more blogs about it.

Just remember that quality and value count when blogging for other blogs to promote you and your brand.


15 – How do I track and analyze how my blog is doing?

Understanding how your blog is doing analytically is important if you want to grow and make money with your content.

The first thing you need to do is create a business plan for your blog. You should have goals and objectives to help you reach your goals. It’s important to strategize to get your blog to a position that you want it to be in.

You should add your blog to an analytical service like Google Analytics. This will tell you various metric values about your blog. You can use these metric values to see if your goals are being met. Try to master metrics for user behavior, traffic sources, and engagement for blogging. The better you understand your analytical measurements, the better you can make your blog.

Experiment with a lot of A/B testing. This is when you do one thing and note the results and then do a different thing and note its results. Then you practice the thing that did best for your blog. If you don’t experiment with new things – you’ll likely have a lot of missed opportunities.

Regularly view your analytical data and optimize your blog based on its results.


16 – How do I overcome writer’s block?

There are many great options to overcome writer’s block as a blogger.

One thing to do to prevent writer’s block from hurting your content distribution is to write ahead of schedule. Try writing as many blog posts as possible when you feel like writing. Getting writer’s block isn’t negative if you have content to schedule beforehand. But not having anything to post can impact your consistency.

Sometimes you need a break from blogging. Allow yourself to take days off and vacations where you don’t do anything related to your blog. Don’t open emails or check your stats – focus on enjoying a day off from blogging.

Exercise tends to help me with writer’s block the most. I go for a bike ride or a hike, and when I’m done, I’m ready to write some more.

Create an outline instead of writing from scratch. Since I started creating outlines for each blog post, I’ve been able to increase my writing frequency to triple what I did before. I also use ChatGPT to help research my outline creations. You just want to make sure you do a quick fact-check. Don’t rely on AI for statistics and information that the system could be biased with.

Research and learn more about your niche to help get inspiration to write about it. Maybe you’re out of ideas because you’ve run out of stuff to discuss within your expertise. If you research and learn more about it, you’ll get more ideas to write about.

Write for a week rather than one day. Instead of trying to write a whole post in one day, make it last for a few days to a week. It took me two days to write this post. Each day I started writing again, I was refreshed and full of ideas to finish it.

Reducing writer’s block might be as simple as changing your writing environment. Maybe you need a space of your own. You need to cut out any noise or distractions. Change your writing environment and the time of day you write to see if that helps.

Just don’t give up. Writer’s block is temporary at the end of the day.


17 – How do I handle negative comments on my blog posts?

Negative comments shouldn’t always be seen as bad for your blog.

Some negative feedback can be constructive feedback. Try to understand why the comment is being made. Can you take that feedback and use it to improve your blog? These comments are from people who are actually reading your content. You should consider their feedback and improve your blog for its viewing capacity.

But sometimes, negative feedback is trolling and abuse. If the feedback is being said in a manner to make the environment toxic – then you should act. If a comment is belittling you or your other readers, ban the person who commented and delete their comment. Don’t accept abuse, especially when other loyal readers can see it.

As always, try to respond to all comments, even the negative ones that could be used for constructive criticism.


18 – How do I network and collaborate with other bloggers?

The best way to network and collaborate is to approach those you wish to network with.

Find other blogs in your niche and start a relationship by reading their posts and leaving comments on them. Ensure your comments are constructive and add value for them and their readers. You want your comments to stand out and grab the attention of whoever reads them. First, focus on becoming an active reader of their blog and leaving great comments on each post.

If the blogger has social media, follow them and start being active on their social pages. After a while, send them a direct message. Get to know them. Befriend them.

After you’ve established a friendship, tell them about your blog. Tell them you’re looking to network with other bloggers and that you’d love to collaborate with them if they were into it.

If you establish a relationship with bloggers, then it’s easy to network and collaborate.

Many new bloggers make the mistake of immediately sending their links and requesting collaborations. This is a spammy tactic and usually doesn’t end well.

Relationships are everything when it comes to blogging.


19 – Should I pay to advertise my blog?

There are a few circumstances when paying to advertise your blog is appropriate.

The first circumstance is when you aim to get a specific amount of readers, comments, shares, and other metric goals. You should do low-risk paid advertising. You can use Google and social media advertising sources to be able to control your budget. Don’t spend a whole lot of money unless you have the budget to spend it.

The second circumstance is when you’re spending money on ad revenue with the goal that it will make you more money than what you invested. If you have some sort of profit-earning campaign in place and paid ads will get you more sales, as long as you make more than what you paid for the ads, then investing in paid advertising on Google, social media, and other online sources is worth it.

Just ensure you have goals set in place for the results of paying for advertising; otherwise, you are merely wasting money.


20 – How do I stay consistent with my blog?

Staying consistent is probably one of the most tough blogging questions out there.

But it’s one of the easiest questions to answer.

Create a content calendar. That’s how you start staying consistent. Create a calendar of days you wish to post and what content will post on those days.

Then you just need to write the content for each of those posts.

Use a scheduling feature to stay ahead and keep consistent. Scheduling content can allow you to focus on comments, social media, marketing, and creating more content for your blog.


And that concludes the top 20 tough blogging questions with easy answers.

If you’ve enjoyed this article and want to see more like it, follow me on Twitter for more tips. Join my online community, which is all about creating online communities. Creating a community today makes sense because it will help you keep your followers and customer base as AI and algorithms get increasingly advanced and don’t always work in our favor.

Thanks for reading, and please share this article with others. Leave a comment down below with any other questions you have about blogging.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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