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The 3 Phase Blogging Strategy Framework

Have you heard of the three phase blogging strategy framework?

If not, it’s okay. That’s because I made it up based on successful results I’ve had while using it on my own blogs.

I used the three phase blogging strategy framework on my Hiking with Shawn blog. That blog is now monetized and contributing to part of a second income that I’m currently earning.

This strategy framework is super easy, too.

I’ll show you how to use it on your blog so that you can achieve your own goals, whether that is to make money, get more traffic, or grow your expertise. In fact, my framework covers all three of these aspects in each phase.

History proves that having a strategy and using a framework leads to more success than those who do not use it. A strategy helps you stay organized. It’s the best way to manage a blog or any other type of online and offline business.

What is the Three Phase Blogging Strategy Framework?

The three phase blogging strategy framework is simple. It utilizes three phases, including Creation, Marketing, and Profiting.

In most cases, it’s best to create a strategy that focuses on three years, with each phase being concluded each year. If you have more time, consider doing a six-year strategy, giving each phase two years.

However, you can also do a strategy aimed at less than a year, such as 9 months (3 months each), 6 months (two months each), or even three months. The shorter the strategy aims for, though, the more work and dedication you’ll have to commit.

Now, let’s start going over each phase and what you have to do to accomplish the three phase blogging Strategy Framework.

Three Phase Blogging Strategy Framework

Phase 1: Content Creation

The first phase of the three phase blogging framework concentrates on content creation.

For the first few years, year, months, weeks – whatever timeframe you choose, you need to concentrate on content creation wholly and nothing else.

You need to create the best possible content you can create. It needs to not only include as much information as the competing articles contain but also fill in the missing gaps of information that were not included.

It’s also best not to publish anything at first. This will do many things for you as a content creator:

  1. It will help you get better at writing. You should write the articles and then spend as much time on them editing them. Try to become just as good of an editor as you are a writer.
  2. It will help you find your consistency. Consistency is an important trait for a blogger. It shows your audience your posting schedule and shows search engines when to expect new indexable content.
  3. It allows you to build up article quantities, which can be scheduled ahead of time. This will allow you to stay ahead of the game. Just make sure you keep creating new content because it’s easy to get behind if you become lazy in your writing.

Create as much content as possible during the first phase of this strategy framework, and then you’ll be ready to move on to phase two.


Phase 2: Brand Marketing

The second phase of the three phase blogging strategy framework focuses on marketing. It can be marketing in two parts or one.

The two-part method is where you market your blog and its content, and you also market yourself as an expert in your industry. The one-part method is when you solely market your blog and its content. Most people choose a one-part method if they intend to sell the blog at a certain point and not develop authority in the niche with their name.

The marketing aspects should focus on paid, organic, and social strategies.

Paid marketing is buying advertisements and promoting content by paying for it. The more you invest in this, the better results you’ll get. It helps to learn as much as you can about tweaking advertisement settings to get the most out of your money.

Organic advertising is backlink building. Write content that is shareable and something that websites want to link to. Don’t buy backlinks (or sell them), as Google and other search engines could penalize your blog for that type of action. Organic means to get backlinks or market your content “naturally,” if that makes sense.

Social media marketing is when you market your content on social media. Most bloggers fail at this. That’s because they use social media to solely promote their content. Social media should be used for building a following and starting a community. If you have a social page with loyal followers, they’ll find your content without you even needing to promote it. Social media algorithms are designed to “not show” external content to that many people. Joining just to promote is a wasted effort.

During the marketing phase, you should also consider launching a newsletter and building a contact list of potential customers for the last phase you’ll be entering.

If you don’t plan to sell your blog off, I do recommend you also market yourself as an expert in your niche. This will help you gain more audience for your content.


Phase 3: Blog Profiting

The final phase of the three phase blogging strategy framework is profiting from your blog.

Now, you might be one of those bloggers who don’t want to make money with your blog. That’s fine if you use a free service and don’t pay any money for your blog.

But if you are paying for shared hosting and domain, eventually, as your blog grows, so will your bill for keeping it maintained. You may be paying less than $100 a year right now, but growth can make that $100 a month in no time. So, even making enough money to let the blog pay for itself is always worth keeping in mind.

However, for those of you who wish to profit and maybe eventually turn blogging into a full-time thing, then start focusing on creating a product or service.

Affiliate networks and Google AdSense might pay here and there. But you’re not going to make that much with those services because they take up the majority of the earnings.

The best way to make the most profit is to own the product or service that is making you money. You skip the middleman and earn it all in the process.

Create a product or service.

The product could be something like an E-Book or guide. It could be a paid online community or even a paid newsletter. You can also provide services, too. They could be for consulting, hourly coaching, or even speaking events online and offline.

The important thing is that you own the product or service and are getting the full maximum income and profit made.


Each time you graduate from each phase in the three phase blogging strategy framework, you should continue to do the previous phase. After you’re done with the writing phase and begin marketing, you need to still be writing. When you get to the profit phase, you need to still be writing and marketing. This framework is all about developing healthy blogging habits and finding your consistency.

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you did, please share it with other bloggers.

Consider joining my free online community dedicated to blogging at the Blogging Collective. Be sure to follow me on X and LinkedIn for more blogging tips and resources.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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