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21 Useful Types of Blog Posts to Get More Readers Today

There are many different types of blog posts to include on your blog.

A type of blog post is basically the format of the article you write for your blog.

Each type of blog post has its own benefits. There is a type for just about any sort of blogger. You might use more than one different type on your blog. It’s a good idea to break it up and see which one performs best.

After you read this article, tell me what your favorite types of blog posts are and why you enjoy using them over other formats.

Types of Blog Posts

Why Use Different Types of Blog Posts?

Many different types of blog posts and benefits come with using them.

Some types of blog posts will get you more traffic based on how popular they’ve become over the years. Others are beneficial based on the type of content you’re creating. However, some content topics don’t fit certain formats, so it’s important to take that into account.

Another benefit of using different types of formatting is to break up the monotony of blogging with the same style over and over again.

It’s ideal to try out different styles of blog posts to find the ones that perform the best for you and your blog.


Different Types of Blog Posts to Use on Your Blog

There are many different types of blog posts to use on your blog. The following types are some of the more popular ones that you should consider trying out on your blog.


1 – How To

How-to articles are a type of blog post that shows the reader how to do something specific.

These types of blog posts are best for high-value content. This is your big problem-solving and hard question-answering posts. If you write anything using this format, it needs to be of the highest quality possible if you want it to be successful.

The term “how to” is often used on search engines. Just make sure you truly put a how-to document in your article; otherwise, it could be penalized if deemed to be the wrong information for that format.


2 – News

News posts can be a mixture of many different types of blog posts.

You can create press releases, news about a topic within your niche, or news in general for your region or the world. You can basically make your own news website these days. Blogging gives you the ability to do a lot of things in this modern world.

It is a good idea to be descriptive and create a following when publishing your own news articles. Take a look at some of the better news articles online and mimic them.


3 – Listicle

The listicle is among my favorite types of blog posts for many different reasons.

For starters, it’s an easy format to start writing with. This article is a listicle. It’s when you list items typically in sequential order. It allows you to give your readers options, and you can detail each item. You can practically use this type of format for just about any blog content you create.

Listicles are also very popular in search engine optimization techniques. This is because the majority of your first page results on Google and other search engines will be listicle pages.


4 – Case Study

A case study is basically a well-researched blog post.

A case study will likely contain a lot of factual information that has been thoroughly researched. This information will include citations, data-driven facts, and statistical information within it. It’s like writing a college paper but within a blog-styled format.

Case studies are usually very long in length and take time to make. These types of posts are often the best ones to create backlinks with, as they’re often extremely informative. You should do your best to put a lot of effort into writing them.


5 – Problem and Solution

The problem and solution type of blog posts is another type of high-value content piece.

You basically present a problem. The problem should be geared toward a problem within your blogging niche. Then, you give a solution. It’s best to target the biggest and most challenging problems in your niche. Your solution should be as simple as possible for the best results.

There are basically two halves to this type of content: the problem and the solution. It’s essential to focus on that so that you don’t put in too much fluff or anything like that.


6 – Comparison

Comparison posts are when you compare two or more items with one another.

This is a great blog post format when comparing products within your niche. You can even add your affiliate links to it. Just make sure you’re transparent about it. You basically compare two or more products with one another, giving the features, pros, and cons.

It’s good to have a final thoughts statement at the end of the blog. You can point out your favorite of the comparison and why you feel that way.


7 – Parody

Parody posts are meant to be entertaining and humorous.

These are often created to make fun of something within a niche or a current event. Sometimes, they can be used for an entire blog niche. A good example of a parody blog is The Onion where all its content is a parody curation.

The idea of using this format is to get people to laugh. It’s a good format for April Fools Day. While it’s good to be descriptive with these posts, you don’t have to be too serious when writing them.


8 – FAQ

An FAQ post is a format that is dedicated to showcasing Frequently Asked Questions.

This format is a good type to answer frequent questions from your fans and followers. It can also help you get your content on the “People also ask” section of Google search result pages. This is especially the case if many people like your answer.

These types of blog posts are not so common on blogs, but they do offer readers a great perspective on important topics. You should at least try this format out on your blog and see how it does.


9 – Reviews

Review posts are when you review a product, service, or other item and showcase it on your blog.

A lot of bloggers fail at reviews. They don’t include enough information. You should be detailed in your reviews so that readers will favor yours more than others. Look at the best reviews on your product or service and try to write a better one.

Review posts can be a significant type of content to have. They can get you more readers and even more backlinks. But you have to ensure that the posts are really valuable and detailed.


10 – Interviews

Interview posts are basically Q&A-styled content pieces between the blogger and one or more interviewees.

You can use this format for the interview process by conducting an email interview with someone or multiple people. You can also use this format to turn a video or podcast interview into a written blog. There are many ways to do the interview and then format it to a blog post.

Interviews can make for great content if it’s between you and someone in the niche that people really want to hear from.


11 – Survey/Poll

You can use your blog to survey or poll your audience if you want to collect responses.

These types of blog posts are often used for getting results versus traditional surveys and polls. Instead of using a form, you can ask fewer questions in the form of a blog post. Then, readers can comment openly and give their opinions.

This is a great way to get whole-community feedback for a much more defined content piece, such as a case study or a more detailed blog post.

Drive Traffic to a Blog

12 – Contest

If you’re looking for engagement or more readership, you should consider running a contest for your blog.

You can dedicate an entire blog post to a competition you’ve created for your blog. This lets you get detailed about the content, including all the rules and instructions on how to play. It’s easier to put this in a blog than to put it on social media.

Just make sure you follow the rules when doing a contest blog post. There are many rules and regulations on doing online competitions in different countries and regions.


13 – Curated

Curated content is a very valuable form of content that you can share with your niche audience.

This type of content is where you share links to other articles you’ve written, links to articles you haven’t written, or a mixture of links to articles that you have and have not written. You just basically introduce each article, and the main content is the link to the shared articles.

Curated content also makes for good newsletter content. Try this format out on your blog, and it might be one of the types of blog posts that you start using more often.


14 – Infographic

An infographic is basically a shortened blog post in the form of an image.

You’ll create a large, eye-catching image that contains information about a subject. For example, an infographic might show you how to cook the best Chicken Pot Pie. That infographic will likely get shared on social media, Pinterest, and other places online. It might even go viral.

You’ll want to create a blog post for your infographic with a little bit of text-based content to give it some context and ask people to link back to you if they share it. It’s also a good idea to put your domain name somewhere on the image.


15 – Guest Contribution

A guest contribution is an article about your niche that someone else has written.

I’m sure you have been a guest blogger on a different blog than your own, right? The idea is to allow someone to blog on your blog, too. Guest contributions can help diversify your content. It also gives you a break from having to write a new blog. You can focus on catching up and staying ahead.

You want to make sure the guest post is of high quality and matches the niche of your blog. A lot of spammers will try to give you bad guest contributions. You have to determine which ones are best for your blog and which ones to reject.


16 – Sponsored

Sponsored content is a type of blog post that someone else pays you to post.

You might write the content, or another person or company may write it. The end result is that you post the content and get paid for it. The pricing is up to you. Don’t let sponsored content buyers try to cheat you. Many will try to get you to lower your price, but most will end up accepting it.

Make sure you label sponsored content as sponsored, or you can be penalized for it on Google and other search engines. Don’t let sponsors try to talk you out of labeling it.


17 – Recycled Posts

These types of blog posts are using content that you’ve already created.

Basically, update your old posts with modernized content. This is why it’s important to create evergreen content as much as possible. Evergreen content can be updated strategically to be relevant each year. Then, you can repurpose and reshare the content as a new post.

An example of this technique would be changing your “24 Cake Recipes of 2023” to “24 Cake Recipes of 2024” and gearing it to be for the 2024 season. You might also have to update some of the content, too. You should be trying to do this with all of your older content.


18 – Expert Roundups

Expert roundup posts can be great for creating more engagement on your blog.

These types of blog posts typically consist of multiple experts within your niche. You basically ask them questions and use their answers for the blog content. You can use this format to mix with other formats, too. It would go well with listicles and interviews. You could even blend it in with comparisons and reviews.

Try to find experts in the niche that your audience really enjoys and follows. This will give you a better turnout of readership and engagement.


19 – Open Letter

An open letter post is great for getting out your opinions and supporting a cause.

This type of blog post is basically when you are writing a letter to the public or two an entity in relation to your niche. For example, if you blog about politics and you want to write a letter to the candidate you support, you could make it an open letter in the form of a blog post.

While these types of blog posts make for great content, they shouldn’t be the main type of format to post because they’re geared more toward you than the audience you want to write for.


20 – Content Hub

Content hubs are good to create on your blog.

A content hub is basically a post or page on your blog that links to all the important links related to a specific topic. Many times, this is reserved for cornerstone content posts and pages. This is the main content of your niche – it’s what your blog covers the most.

If you can do it, create content hubs for all the main topics you cover. But you should at least have a couple of these types of posts or pages on your blog. It’s like a curation post of specific content you want to be known for.


21 – Ultimate Guides

Ultimate guides are great types of blog content that can make your internet famous.

An ultimate guide is a very extensive guide on a specific topic. I create these guides to showcase individual trails in my area on my local hiking blog. I get really detailed on these guides and post as much information as I can. They’re way longer than most guides in the area.

Ultimate guides will likely get shared a lot. They’ll also likely be linked on other related websites, giving you plenty of great backlinks. Most of my ultimate guides hit page one of Google very quickly.


Final Thoughts About Different Types of Blog Posts

When you use different types of blog posts on your blog, you add diversity to your blog. It’s important to use different types and measure how each one does on your blog. This will help you determine which is best to use. The formats above are a great start.

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Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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