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10 Areas to Improve Your Blog: Get More Readers and Make More Money

Are you looking to improve your blog? Are you eager to see it thrive, attract a larger readership, and generate more profit? Let’s explore the potential for growth and success together.

There are so many missed opportunities for bloggers to improve their blogs. They miss opportunities to attract more readers and earn more profit.

Don’t worry about making mistakes. These tips are simple and easy to follow, empowering you to take small actions that can significantly improve your blog.

1 – Improve Your Blog with SEO

Search engines are constantly evolving, but the value of content and search intent remains constant. By ensuring your blog content is top-notch and aligns with your keyword marketing strategies, you can harness the power of SEO to boost your blog’s visibility and attract more readers.

The most important function of blog search engine optimization is keyword research. This is a skill you need to master. Learn how to use a keyword research tool like Keywords Everywhere, SEM Rush, or Ahrefs. Pay attention to search volume (higher the better) and keyword competition (lower the better) when doing research.

If you’re using WordPress, use the tools available to help make blog SEO easier. Yoast SEO is one of the best SEO tools available to ensure you’re getting your SEO right. It’ll tell you everything you need to do to make SEO perfect on each post. Utilize other tools to help you, too, such as AI-driven applications. Use Grammarly to help you get your content right. Use ChatGPT to help you get ideas and create a good blogging outline.

Don’t forget about your old content. Start updating older content to be useful for modern-day needs. If you wrote stuff for 2023, update it to 2024. It’s more than a title change, though. You need to make some changes, subtract things, or add content to your older posts. Google and other search engines will notice this, and it can help boost your rankings on search results.


2 – Speed Up Your Blog

The more advanced and bigger your blog theme or design is, the more likely it will take longer to load each time. You’re better off choosing a minimal design for your blog. Focus on making your content and information the best part of the blog and stick to a simple theme or design that loads up quickly. Readers will log off your blog pretty quickly if it looks to lead slowly.

A fast blog will do multiple things for you. It will improve your overall user experience as readers will be able to move around your blog quickly to get what they want from it. It will also improve your overall search engine optimization, as Google and other search engines have said time and time again that site speed matters. Focus on getting your blog as quick loading as possible.

WordPress plugins are great until they’re not so great at all. Plugins add functions and features to your blog, but they also add bloat and require more resources to be used. This can slow your blog down. It’s just like adding too many applications on your phone. You should only use the plugins you absolutely need and uninstall anything else that you never use.

Your images are some of the largest files on your blog. It’s important to reduce the size of your images while still ensuring they are of high quality and very visually appealing to the reader. Optimize your images using tools and plugins. You can also get a CDN or Content Delivery Network to host your images. Try to find a CDN that’s close to where you are so that you can get a faster service, as some CDNs are slower than they’re worth getting.


3 – Improve Your Blog with Mobile

Given that the majority of your readers are likely to be using a mobile device, it’s crucial to prioritize mobile optimization. Mobile themes and designs can look just as appealing on desktop computers. Neglecting the needs of mobile device users can lead to a significant drop in traffic and profitability.

Try to test your blog out using different mobile devices. Use phones, tablets, and computers, too. Try to adjust the look and feel of the blog to be able to look good on all devices. You also want to make sure all features and benefits work on all devices as well.

Creating for mobile devices first helps with both user experience and SEO. The user experience portion allows users to easily access and read all content on your blog using their preferred device. Google and other search engines have already declared that mobile devices will be a big factor in the SEO ranking of your content.

AMP is a great way to not only create a good mobile experience but also speed up your blog, too. While Google favors AMP, the search engine giant doesn’t say it is required to use. You might find alternatives to using AMP. However, AMP might be your best bet.


4 – Focus on High-Quality High-Value Content

Try to focus on writing longer-form content. The content needs to be well-researched and provide a lot of important information and resources. Don’t add fluff to your content to make it longer. Long-form content is best when it’s at least 1,000 to 15,000 words.

Your role as a blogger is crucial. Every post you publish should be of the highest quality and value, providing a unique perspective and valuable resources to your readers. Your dedication to improving each blog post is what sets you apart.

Readers like visually appealing elements in the content. Don’t just write a bunch of text and expect your content to go viral. You need to add high-quality images to your content, too. Create some infographics and add them if appropriate. Add embedded videos to your content on subjects that are related to make it even more resourceful, even if you didn’t create the video.

Make sure you have pillar topics chosen for your blog. These are the main topics you write about. You should focus on specific topics in your blog niche to become the expert and authority on those topics. You can write about as many sub-topics of each pillar as you want, but you should have at least 1 to 3 main pillar topics.


5 – Improve Your Blog with Social Media

Don’t go overboard with social media platforms. You don’t have to join every one of them to succeed. You should only join the ones that your target audience is the most active on. It’s best to join and be active on less than 3 to 5 social media platforms, depending on how much time you have to dedicate yourself to them.

You should develop relationships with other blogs, pages, and influencers on social media. After that, try to collaborate with them on a regular basis. Networking and collaboration on social media can help you exchange readers and share traffic. It’s a win for both creators involved and should be done routinely for the best results.

Consider using a scheduling service like Buffer or the native built-in services. You need to scale your daily posts to get traction on social media. Post at least five times a day, every day, on each social media platform you use. That sounds like a lot, and it is, but using a scheduling feature makes it so much easier.

Engagement is more important than the content you post. Your content should be valuable and of the highest quality, but your engagement is how you become known on social media. Try to engage with pages and people that relate to your blog topic on a daily basis. You should be engaging more than you post, too.

Improve Your Blog Guide

6 – Improve Your User Experience

Use a simple but effective navigational structure for your blog. Most blogs have links to the homepage, blog page, about page, and contact page. Some blogs include a starting page with their pillar content and a similar structure for the best posts. Keep it as simple as possible to navigate for the best user experience.

These days, everyone is using mobile devices. When you’re on your phone, it’s easier to read and scan while continuing to scroll. You should make your blog easy to do that on. Use shorter sentences and paragraphs. Keep the blog scrolling and scanning-friendly.

Add more engagement functionality to your blog. Allow readers to share your content on social media and email it to friends. Include polls and surveys to get reader feedback. If you want to create a community with your blog, add a forum. Make sure the comment section stays open.

Ask readers to leave a comment on all of your blog posts. Be quick about approving good comments and getting rid of spam. Try to reply to the comments with great advice and more questions to try to keep the discussion going. The comment section is an important aspect of getting traffic to your blog.


7 – Implement Email Marketing Strategies

You should start a newsletter for your blog, whether you have just started blogging or have been doing it for a while. Your newsletter is a direct line to your loyal followers and readers. Search engines and social media algorithms can’t get in between you and your newsletter contacts.

Offer lead magnets to encourage more subscribers to your newsletter. A lead magnet is a free resource such as an eBook, ultimate guide, or template pack that people can get as long as they subscribe to your newsletter. Keep making new lead magnets and only offer them for a short time to encourage more people to subscribe before it’s too late.

Optimize your subscription forms, create CTAs on all pages and posts, and add your newsletter link to social media profiles. Your goal is to get as many new email subscribers as you can. You can then use your newsletter to keep readers informed about new blog posts and other cool stuff you’re working on.

Like your blog, the only way you’ll keep people interested in your newsletter is to provide the best content and resources possible. Each issue needs to be more valuable than the last one. Your goal is not to lose subscribers. If you do lose them, it’s okay; you can still improve and gain more in the future.


8 – Monetize Your Blog Now

Consider utilizing affiliate marketing to monetize your blog. This is especially a great way to get started with profit earning when your blog is relatively new. Just make sure that you disclose the fact that you’re using affiliate marketing on your blog. You should also be picky about what links you use and never do anything to lose the trust of your readers.

You can also make more money with your blog by selling sponsored blog posts and advertisements. Like with affiliate marketing, all sponsored posts should be labeled as sponsored. Some sponsors will try to get you not to label them as sponsored. You should not do business with those sponsors. Be careful about using third-party images, too. Only use images that you know you can legally use.

The best way to make money with a blog is by providing your own product or service. You can earn all the profit this way and make the full potential of what the product or service is worth. No middle person is getting most of the profit this way. Just be sure to provide a product or service that your readers actually wish they had.

Make sure you add a CTA (Call to action) on every page and post on your blog. The CTA should encourage the reader to act on something profitable. Whatever you’re using to make money with your blog, a CTA will help you get there. You need to ensure that you have made goals and a strategy when trying to profit with a blog.


9 – Improve Your Blog through Analysis

Use an analytical service like Google Analytics or Monster Insights. Try to get an understanding of what each metric means. Once you understand one metric, move to the next. Then, try to understand how each metric relates to one another. Once you understand the metrics of your analytics tools, you’ll be able to use them to make your blog better.

Your social media analytics is also important to watch. Your blog analytics can help you make your blog better. Your social media analytics can help you get more readers to your blog through your social media marketing strategies.

Try to experiment often in terms of things you do for marketing that can be easily analyzed. You should do different marketing strategies and test them to see which ones do better. This can be done by using the A/B Testing technique. Test A and then test B to see which ones do better than the other.

As you continue analyzing your metrics, note the results. Look at what causes the positive increase and what causes the negative decrease. Try to make changes based on the story your analytics tell.


10 – Continue Increasing Your Authority

Increase your niche expertise by following industry trends and updates within your niche. You can do this by subscribing to newsletters, following social media accounts, watching YouTube videos, and listening to podcasts. Take in as much information as you can to learn more about your niche.

If you have the money, take advantage of paid options. Join online communities, take courses, and participate in webinars and masterclasses. Sometimes, the paid courses and communities can help you get better at your niche and make more money with your blog.

Pay close attention to new technologies and trends in your niche market and industry. Make sure you learn about these new technologies and trends when they occur. Try to take advantage of them as early as possible. Those who started using YouTube Shorts from the start have some of the largest YouTube channels around today because of doing it so early.

Continue to answer questions from the public about your niche to develop a reputation. Be nice, be extremely helpful, and always be willing to answer the same question more than once without showing annoyance. You can be active on social media, sites like Reddit and Quora, discussion forums, and within your blog comments. Be the expert who is always willing to help in your niche.


Final Thoughts to Improve Your Blog

You can improve your blog quite easily if you do the right things, like doing what I listed above. You should always be looking for ways to improve your blog.

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Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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