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How to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

To make $1000 a month with a blog would be a significant milestone in your blogging career.

By the time you start making $1,000 a month with a blog, you’ll be able to do two important things with that money. You’ll be able to pay for your blog and its required resources, which by this time will probably be more than what you started out paying. You’ll also have money to put in your pocket because, at $1,000 a month, you are now profiting from your blog.

The only way you can realistically make $1000 a month with a blog is to have it in your mind that you want to make that much money a month with your blog.

The guide below will give you the tools and tips to make the money, but you still need to have the mindset to make that much, or it’s not going to happen. You also need to set smaller, realistic goals that will lead to bigger goals. Instead of focusing on $1,000 a month at first, focus on $10 a month and then increase it as you complete those smaller goals.

If you’re ready to learn more about making $1,000 a month blogging, continue reading this guide. I’ll show you how to achieve this amazing and profitable milestone.

Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

Things You Need to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

Of course, you need a blog to make $1000 a month, but you’ll also need more than just a blog, as your strategy will have many working parts.


You Need a Blog

Of course, you will need a blog in order to monetize a blog.

The first thing you need to get is a domain name. Your domain name should match your blog’s or business name, and it’s best to get a dot com domain name if you can. Domain names are usually around $10 a year starting out and typically increase to $20 a year thereafter.

You’ll need a good, shared hosting plan that supports WordPress software, and I recommend choosing a hosting service (most will be around $100 to $150 a year) with good reviews.

You’ll also want to install WordPress on your hosting service. WordPress is powerful blogging software used by more than 43% of websites online. It’s also completely free and very easy to use.


You Need a Product or Service

In order to make $1000 a month with a blog, you need to have something to sell.

Consider offering your services. I’m sure there is something within your niche that you are good at and could offer for a good price. Some examples of services might be freelance writing for other blogs or graphic design for websites.

Like services, you could also offer paid consulting within your niche on topics that you are an expert in.

Courses and webinars are also great types of products to sell with your blog. Create a course about a challenging topic within your niche or conduct a webinar about it. You can usually make a couple hundred dollars a person when selling a course or webinar.

Offer a paid online community or a paid newsletter as a product for your blog.

If you’re good at programming, you could offer an app, plugin, software, or even some sort of SaaS product. I’m sure there are major pain points in your niche that can be solved by coding a product. You can sell this product monthly or annually to make the most money out of it.

You could also create e-books, templates, and guides and sell them from your blog for a pretty good profit.


You Need to Diversify Your Income

You should have multiple forms of income in order to diversify your monetization strategy and earn passive income in the background of your blog.

Donations are a great way to earn some extra money with your blog. Use a service like Buy Me a Coffee and put a link to it on all your blog posts as one of the Calls-to-Action. With the Buy Me a Coffee service, you can also add more features and turn it into a paid membership if you want to.

Sell sponsored posts on your blog for money to companies that are willing to pay your price.

You can also make money on your blog with advertising. You’ll make more money if you sell ads to companies and do all the work finding advertising clients. However, you can also use an ad network like Google AdSense, but you make all of the profit since Google does most of the work.

Adding affiliate links to your blog posts and pages can also be a great way to earn a profit in the background of your blogging efforts.

If you have digital or physical items to sell, you can also add a store to your blog. You could create a store and sell merchandise like apparel through an on-demand print service, too. If you want to add a store to WordPress, most bloggers use WooCommerce as their store and selling solution.


You Need to Market Your Blog

You can’t make $1000 a month with a blog unless you consistently have readers and user traffic, which means you need to promote your blog consistently.

Social media is often the best place to promote a blog. You should create a page or profile reflecting your blog’s name and branding and build a community of loyal followers on it. After you’ve built your community on social media, it will be easier to convert followers to blog readers and then to customers.

You should also focus on search engine optimization (SEO) when writing your post and page content so that you can rank better on search engines and attract more readers.

Guest blogging is another great way to increase your traffic and build your online reputation. This is where you find similar blogs to your own and request to be a guest writer on them. If accepted, you should create a really good post for them and ask that your blog be linked to the post in return.

Consider other marketing techniques, such as paid advertising and email marketing, to increase your blog’s readership.


You Must Have a Will to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

As I said at the very beginning of this article, if you don’t have the will or drive to make $1000 a month with a blog, then it’ll never happen.

Making that much money with a blog is going to take hard work. You’ll need to dedicate time and energy to your blog in order to accomplish this significant blogging profit goal. The internet is too big a saturated for something like this to be accomplished overnight.

You need to find your posting schedule rhythm, choose a good day and time each week or month, and then consistently post in order to build trust and loyalty among your readers.

Aside from posting consistently, you need to market your blog consistently. I post five times a day, every day, on Facebook to market my blog, and because of that, I’m able to make a lot of money because of the traffic I’ve gained in the process. Luckily, there are all sorts of great automation and scheduling features to make this task a lot easier.

You have to be patient if you really want to make $1000 a month with a blog; otherwise, you’ll never get there.

You need to be able to accept failure and rejection when it happens because it will happen. Instead of giving up and letting it get to you, take it as a learning experience. The moment you look at failure and rejection as a learning experience is the moment you take full control of your blogging business efforts.


Publishing Blog Posts Don’t Make You Money

There is a common myth that bloggers tend to believe: that publishing blog posts will earn a profit. In fact, that’s not true at all because you don’t make money publishing content online.

You make money by utilizing income-earning methods with your blog. These methods are things like selling products and services, offering courses, running a paid community, and enabling ads on your content. You should diversify your income to multiple streams to earn the most amount of money with your blog.

The actual blog content you create and publish isn’t what makes money; it’s what gives you a reputation as an expert and authority in your niche, which helps you sell because people trust you based on your knowledge.

You should be marketing your authority and expertise in your niche if you truly wish to earn anything at all, big or small. There isn’t a whole lot of room for imposter syndrome in blogging so if you’re dealing with that, you need to figure out a way to overcome it. Instead of telling people I’m a blogging expert and that you should do this, I like to say this is what I have done to make me successful. I want to show you how it might make you successful (as a way to overcome imposter syndrome).

Make sure you also create a free newsletter to accompany your blog so that you can keep a direct line between you and your potential customers that search engine and social media algorithms can’t penetrate and control.


It Might Take Years to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

It could take a long time to reach the point where you make $1000 a month with a blog, but that doesn’t mean you should give up so easily.

I always recommend a three-year plan for profitable success. This gives you plenty of time to work on the things you’ll need in order to start making money with your blog. Most businesses have a 3 to 5-year strategic plan, too, so it isn’t an uncommon thing for bloggers to do, either.

The first year should be spent on publishing great blog posts and building a mailing list so that you have developed a reputation and have grown your expertise.

The second year should have more focus on marketing efforts. This is when you should get more serious with social media and reuse your existing content for social media marketing efforts. You should also do more guest blogging and practice other potential marketing methods.

In the third year, you should focus on profit and work your way up to making $1,000 a month with your blog.

Overnight success is a myth. The internet is too big and saturated for you to immediately start making money with your blog. You have to dedicate some time to working up to where you can make money, or you will fail, but if you do, it’s a learning experience at the end of the day.

If you want to increase your chances of building a more popular blog, try to niche down a couple of levels so that you aren’t doing what everyone else is doing and that you don’t look like a needle in a haystack.

Content Saturation in Blogging

Best Ingredients to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

You should use certain ingredients if you realistically want to make $1000 a month with a blog.

You need to create the best content possible on your blog. The content needs to be of the highest quality and give nothing but significant value to the reader. Always research other blogs and posts like yours and make sure you’re putting out content that is as good, if not better, than what they’re putting out.

When it comes to making money with a blog, you need loyal readers, not just web traffic, so make sure you target your actual niche audience and not just everyone and their brother.

If you can solve major problems in your niche, you’ll have a better chance of making a lot of profit with your blog. Research and understand the needs, wants, and pain points of your direct target blog audience. Create content and features that answer their biggest questions and problems, and you’ll make $1,000 a month with a blog in no time.

Always ensure that you continue to develop your reputation and grow your authority and expertise in your blogging niche every single day.


Money Making Blog Tips

If you want to make $1000 a month with a blog, consider some of these blog tips to help you make more money.

You must choose the right niche; otherwise, you will have a difficult time making money with a blog. Choose a niche that you are passionate about because it will be more difficult for your competition to beat you if you’re actually passionate about the topic. It’s best to niche down a few levels so that you can have a better chance of being the main expert in that niche.

Start building up your reputation in the niche and add to your portfolio any time you can so that you have plenty of experience to showcase to followers in your niche.

Try to be a guest blogger every chance you get to help further grow your reputation and expertise. Just make sure that you’re writing for other blogs as if you’re writing for your own blog, meaning that your guest blog posts should be of the highest quality and value, just like on your own blog. The more blogs you write for, the more experience you will be able to add to your portfolio.

Repurpose your blog content for marketing on various channels, such as social media, video, and media, and even update old blog posts to keep them evergreen.

Consider building a personal brand along with your blogging activities. A personal brand can help you develop more reputation and present you as a leader within your niche. It will also enable you to a lot more forms of revenue and profit earning as a personal brand associated with your niche.


Make Sure You Pay Your Taxes

As you make $1000 a month with a blog, you need to keep taxes in mind.

In the United States, I have to pay federal taxes and taxes for my state for the money I make with my blog. The entire $1,000 a month isn’t mine to pocket. If you don’t pay your taxes, you can end up paying even more than what you make in penalties.

Try to treat your blog like a business and take advantage of business opportunities.

Register your blog as a company. This can allow you to write off expenses that occur for your blog. During tax time, this can help you save money and pay less in taxes.


Final Thoughts on How to Make $1000 a Month with a Blog

Now that you’ve read how to make $1000 a month with a blog, it’s time for you to put the tips and advice above to work so that you can start profiting sooner. Remember, it takes work and a will to make money with your blog; without it, you won’t make a cent.

I would like to hear from those of you who are making money. How much have you made so far? What did you do to get to this point? What further advice would you like to add to these tips?

If you enjoyed this article and want to support me in writing it, please consider making a donation.

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Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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