How to Get 100K Views a Month on Your Blog
Do you want to get 100K views a month on your blog?
There are many reasons why you would want to get 100K views a month on your blog.
For starters, it increases your revenue generation. 100K views a month is a lot of views. If you get that many views a month and you run ad networks, you’re going to likely be making more than $1,000.00 a month and more towards $6k to $8k a month.
Getting 100K views on your blog each month will also give you a great feeling of fulfillment, knowing that your hard work has paid off.
You’ll get more followers and readers. You’ll have a better chance of converting normal readers into loyal followers. If you have a newsletter, you’ll definitely get more subscribers, especially with a solid lead magnet.
With that many views, it’ll be easier to collaborate with bigger bloggers and social media influencers to generate even more traffic.
Sponsors are also willing to pay more money for advertising and sponsorship when you’re reporting numbers like that for blog content views each month.
I can’t think of any reason why you wouldn’t want to get 100K views a month on your blog!
But if you’re ready to get those kinds of views, then I highly recommend you keep reading this guide. If you enjoy it, consider buying me a Coffee for taking the time to publish it for free.
Use WordPress to Get 100K Views a Month on Your Blog
First of all, if you want your blog to get 100K views a month, you have to use WordPress.
There are so many other reasons why you’d want to use WordPress for your blog, though. It’s free and powerful. It’s used by almost half of the internet’s websites. It’s easy to use, and there are a lot of themes and plugins to make your blog do exactly what you want it to do.
There are two types of WordPress, though.
The version is their hosting service. The free plan limits you and what you can do. The paid plans can be pretty expensive for some people especially if you’re not making any money.
The better option is to use (note the .org at the end of the domain), which is free and unlimited. You have to provide your own domain name and hosting, which does cost money, but it’s typically cheaper to go that route, and it gives you full control over your blog.
Check out my guide on how to start a blog with WordPress if you are just starting out.
Passion is a Must
You need a niche, and you need to be passionate about the niche.
A niche represents the main topic of your blog. The niche of this blog is “blogging,” as I publish tips about blogging. Your niche has to be specific if you want to get 100K views a month on your blog.
If you choose to discuss multiple niches or topics, it will be difficult to rank your blog on search engines and gain that many views because your audiences will be different and too broad and generic. Those types of blogs don’t typically stay up for long.
Find a niche and focus on it. Narrow it down if you can so that you can be unique from your competition.
The niche needs to be something you’re extremely passionate about.
If you’re not passionate about the niche you blog about or you don’t know anything about it, trying to compete with other bloggers who are passionate and experts at that niche will be the hardest things you ever done. I guarantee they will always be several steps ahead of you no matter what, all because you don’t share that same passion.
I can blog about blogging all day long because I’ve been doing it for over 25 years and love every aspect of it.
The more passion you have, the more of an expert you will become in your blogging niche. Expertise makes getting 100K views a month on your blog a lot easier than if you are not an expert. People want to be near those who know what they’re talking about.
If you don’t have a specific niche that you’re passionate about, don’t expect to get that many views on your blog.
Patience is a Must
Like passion, patience is also a requirement to get 100K views a month on your blog.
Getting that many views isn’t going to happen overnight. The internet is way too competitive and saturated for that to ever happen to anyone. Any so-called blog expert who claims it will happen quickly is lying to you because they probably want you to buy something from them.
I’m going to be blunt and honest with you.
It could take years to get 100K views a month on your blog. It really depends on how much work you’re willing to do for your blog. The more you work, the faster it will be to get those kinds of views.
Sure, some things become viral quickly but not so much in the blogging world.
If you’re not patient enough to allow time to pass before you reach 100K views a month, you will ultimately be disappointed.
Do You Love to Write and Edit?
If you hate writing, don’t be a blogger.
I’m going to be blunt about that. Blogging is for people who love to write. If you don’t love to write but you kind of like writing, don’t start a blog. You have to love writing and love writing for free.
You also have to love writing and be able to accept low views on a piece you worked really hard on because it happens. It happens to all of us at some point.
Editing can be easier than writing. I use Grammarly for basic editing, such as fixing grammar and spelling issues that I miss.
I don’t use Grammarly or AI to change my words and add a different voice to the content. That’s fake, and AI content is easy to spot these days. Letting AI write for you is a good way to be hated by your audience because they’re not getting advice from a real human.
All these people who replaced their human writers with AI are finally starting to figure this out now that people are tired of it.
If you are serious about getting 100K views a month on your blog, you need to love writing and be able to edit your work. You’ll have to post a lot of content to get that many views.
Focus and Consistency Required
To get 100K views a month on your blog, you’ll need to be focused and consistent.
Focus comes into play with your written content. It has to be packed with value and of the highest quality. Otherwise, why would anyone want to read your content and share it? You get 100K views a month when your content is so great that readers share it. Generic content doesn’t even get close to 100K views a month.
You’ll also need to be consistent. That doesn’t mean you have to publish every day; it does mean you need to keep a consistent schedule. If you post once a week, then you need to consistently post once a week. You’ll need to consistently promote your blog, engage with readers, and grow your expertise, too.
Focus and consistency allow you to better connect with your audience and make your voice and image one they can trust and become loyal to. This will be a great tool in helping you get 100K views a month.
Always Find Ideas to Get 100K Views a Month on Your Blog
You’ll need to constantly add to your content calendar. The last thing you want to do is run out of ideas. If you want to get 100K views a month on your blog, you need to add ideas daily.
Use all the freely available resources available to you, such as sites like Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, social media, and Google Trends.
Find topic ideas while researching keywords about other topics you’re writing. Every blog post you create should result in more than one sub-topic that you can write about in the future.
Go where your audience is and seek out their problems, questions, and biggest pain points.
If you can answer those with your blog posts, you’ll likely be getting way more than 100K views a month on your blog.
Consistently Share Your Blog Content
There’s that word again – consistently!
You need to be consistently sharing your blog content to gain more views.
Share it on social media. Share it on forums. Share it on Reddit. Share it on Quora answers and articles. Share it on other blogs through your comments. Share, share, and share some more. Do this on a daily basis and multiple times a day, every day if you can.
Don’t spam. Don’t do anything to get your blog banned from the internet.
But make sure you’re spreading the word on a consistent basis.
Collaborate to Get 100K Views a Month on Your Blog
Consistently collaborate with other bloggers and creators to help you reach your goal of 100K views a month on your blog.
Guest blogging with high-traffic blogs is a good way to accomplish this. If you write quality content, you’ll be able to guest blog on any blog you want, so make sure the article counts. Also, make sure the article that led to your blog has a do-follow link.
Try to get social media influencers and creators to share your blog content. In some cases, you might have to give them something free to share your content or even pay them. Only invest in something like this when their audience matches your type of audience; otherwise, you might be wasting your money on a lost cause. If you can win over to loyalty of a creator, that will help you out as well.
Look for all the experts in your niche and ask them to answer a question about the niche in an upcoming article. Share all the answers of the experts in a roundup-styled article. Share their blog links in the article as well. Many times, these experts will do the same for you in some way or another or share your content with their followers.
Conduct link-building partnerships with other bloggers and website owners in your industry. Don’t buy and sell links, as that is frowned upon these days. Do it the right way.
Collaboration is the best way to get 100K views a month on your blog today.
SEO is a Must
If you want to attract a lot of views a month, you’ll need to master Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
My recommendation to you is to find and use high-quality long-tail keywords with accurate search intent, low keyword competition, and a higher search volume. If you can accomplish that, getting listed on top results pages on search engines won’t be as challenging for you.
Learn everything you can about keyword research and master it to your best abilities.
Make sure your blog loads fast and optimizes your images and media. Keep trying to improve its mobile-friendliness. Keep the navigation, theme, and user experience as simple as possible, or people will click off your blog.
Quality content is a must, and the more frequently you publish, the more views you’re likely to get.
Don’t overdo SEO or use Black Hat techniques; otherwise, you’ll do more damage than good, especially during algorithm changes.
Choose User-Friendly Blog Post Formats
Try to use friendly and popular blog post formats when publishing content on your blog.
These are formats like lists or listicles, guides and ultimate guides, how-to articles, and fact sheets.
Do a Google search of any keyword. You’ll notice right away that a lot of the blog results are list posts or How-To formats. That’s because they’re the most popular formats. You should always go with the most popular formats to have a better position in search and in popularity.
Experiment with different formats until you find the ones that work best for you.
100K Views a Month with Your Blog Requires the Best Content
If you want to get 100K views a month with your blog, your content has to be the best content you can create.
High-Quality. Value. Answering tough questions. Solving challenging problems. Addressing the biggest pain points. You need to be delivering exactly what your target blog audience wants to see the most.
You need to make sure it’s easy to understand and that every sentence counts.
Be on a mission to make your next blog post better than your last one.
Comment on Other Blogs
Start commenting on more blogs that allow you to add your link to the comment.
Don’t just post a generic reply assuming that people are going to go right to your link. Most of the time, they won’t even see you. Why? Because your comment does not stand out.
You need to add something of significant value to every comment on other blogs like yours.
Start off by typing, “I also want to add to this…” and then finish with something amazing that will not only help the other readers but also the original blog author, as well. Excite everyone who reads your comments, and make sure they’re just as good as the content you create.
Make your comments worth something.
How Long Does 100K Views a Month on Your Blog Take?
Honestly, it can take a long time to get 100K views a month on your blog.
It could take a year, two years, three years, or even more than five years. It could also take less than a year, but that’s not usually the case.
It all depends on how hard you work for it. If you want it to come quicker, you’ll have to work your butt off. If you are fine with it coming later, just keep doing what you’re doing, but try to put in more work when you can to help speed it up.
You should at least be posting 1 to 7 posts a week, with 1 post on a single day. It’s easy to post once a week if you’re a solo blogger. It’s easy to post once a day if you have a team of writers or co-bloggers helping you.
Try to batch-write your content. This means creating as many articles as possible each day so that you can schedule them ahead of time and remain consistent.
Consistency is really the secret here.
If you want to get 100K views a month on your blog faster, then you need to post anywhere from 3 to 7 days a week, promote your content and blog on a daily basis, create the highest-quality content you can develop loyal readers through consistent engagement on your blog comments and social media, and finally, work as hard as you can and then some more.
Start an Email List Now
The day you started a blog should be the day you started an email list.
If you haven’t started one yet, start it now and start pushing people to subscribe from your blog and on social media. Offer a sustainable lead magnet (something free to get after they subscribe) even if your newsletter is free.
A newsletter is a direct contact line between you and your readers. Social media and search engine algorithms can’t get in between you and your contacts with a mailing list.
This means you can promote new and old blog content for your loyal audience to consume, which will help you reach 100K views a month with your blog.
Learn the ropes of email segmentation and automation to make your mailing list even easier in terms of sharing blog content with the right audience within your list of contacts.
Email is still one of the best ways to build a community of loyal readers and promote your content.
Experiment Often to Get 100K Views a Month on Your Blog
If you want to get 100K views a month on your blog, you need to experiment with different strategies as much as you can.
Make sure you notice what is working for your blog. This could be the amount of content you post, the type of engagement strategy you use, or how you promote your blog. Determine what is working the best and then double down on it to make it work even better.
You should definitely experiment and try new tactics. Just make sure you don’t keep trying, as it has already failed. Don’t waste effort on something that isn’t working.
Failure isn’t a bad thing, either. Failure is a learning opportunity. Too many bloggers stop at failure when they can learn from it and come out stronger instead.
Establish an Online Community
An online community will help you grow your views because it’s another connection between you and your followers that algorithms can’t intervene with.
You should try to build an online community. This might be using a community platform like Circle, Mighty Networks, Slack, Discord, or even discussion forum software. You can also build your community with a mailing list and through email, although newsletters have less peer-to-peer engagement.
Social media is a tool. You can create a community, social group, or even a page, but if you rely on it, as it’s rented space, you can lose it in the blink of an eye. You should definitely use social media, but I wouldn’t trust making it my main community or product since you don’t own the community.
Treat Your Blog Like a Business
If you want to get serious views, like 100K views a month, on your blog, then you need to treat it like a business.
Use business strategies, register your blog as a business, and make business decisions. Set achievable goals and make sure you’re following through to accomplish them.
Businesses are successful because of their businesses.
Treat your blog like one if you want it to be successful, too.
Keep Enhancing Your Expertise
It’s important to keep developing your expertise and authority within your niche.
This will essentially help you get 100K views a month on your blog because people are drawn to those who are considered experts in a niche. The more you know, the more you can help others. The more you help others, the more people will flock to your blog.
Stay up to date with all the latest trends in your niche. Try to learn something new every single day so that you continue developing your knowledge of the industry.
Make sure you write about what you’re learning so that your audience can also learn new things about the niche.
Learning never stops when you want your blog to be one of the most visited blogs in your niche market.
Engage Your Blog Readers
Engagement might be as important as content when it comes to getting 100K views a month on your blog.
If you want to acquire that many views, you need to consistently engage with your audience daily and multiple times a day.
Every blog post you publish should have an engagement CTA. CTA stands for Call-to-Action and is basically something that triggers a reader to act. Asking for comments is a type of CTA, but it’s even better to ask for specific comments because then you’ll give the reader something easier to respond to rather than making them think about what to say.
You should also reply to everyone. Reply to all your blog comments and social media comments. Unless you’re getting thousands of comments a day, there is really no excuse for not replying to every comment. You should also be engaging when replying, meaning you should try to keep the conversation going by adding more questions and asking for clarification on topics.
Conduct polls and live Q&A sessions with readers and social media followers. This engaging content will get conversations going.
Be sure to encourage engagement every chance you get so that your readers are comfortable talking to you.
Track Your Blog Performance
If you don’t track performance and analytics, your blog will never reach 100K views a month.
You need to master analytics. You need to research what each metric means and how they associate with your blog. Once you understand how to read analytics, you’ll get a story of how you can increase your views and improve your content. Not knowing how to use analytics is one of the biggest failures in blogging because knowing it can help you make a lot of money and get a lot of views.
Connect your blog to the Google Search Console. This is a free service by Google and helps you ensure that all pages and content can be indexed by the Google search engine. If you want to rank higher on Google, then you definitely need to understand how your pages are reflected on Google Search, and the console allows you to do that with ease.
Consider using SEO performance tools to help research keywords and understand your SEO performance. One of my favorite tools is a WordPress plugin called Yoast SEO. Yoast will audit each post and page to give you a score on your SEO and tell you what to do to fix it.
If you’re using social media for marketing, make sure you pay attention to the insights for your pages and groups. These will help you increase your engagement and views on social which can help convert followers into blog readers over time.
If you want to get 100K views a month on your blog, you should look at your metrics and performance tools daily.
Helps Others Grow to Get Help
Don’t just think of yourself for this sort of goal.
Think of other bloggers who may be struggling just like you are.
Go out of your way to help other bloggers reach their goals, too. If you help others grow, most of these other bloggers will help return the favor to you. At this point, with a goal of 100K views a month, every viewer is an important viewer.
Help others grow by being active contributors to their blogs, whether that means leaving comments, engaging on their social media, or even regularly doing guest posts on their blogs.
They’ll most often return the favor and help you in whatever way they can.
Collaboration is a big key to success in blogging.
TOP TIP: Utilize Feedback to Get 100K a Month with a Blog
My biggest tip to you for getting 100K views a month on your blog is to ask for and utilize user feedback as often as possible.
Ask for feedback on a regular basis.
Add a popup for surveys about your content and pages. Add a poll or survey to posts and pages asking for feedback. Have a contact page with multiple ways to contact you requesting user feedback. Add a survey to each newsletter asking for feedback.
Gather the feedback information and then make changes to your blog based on what your readers want.
That will turn a regular reader into a loyal reader who will stay with you until the end.
You’re making your blog for them, after all, so their feedback is critical.
Final Thoughts
Now that you understand what it takes to get 100K views a month on your blog, you can take the tips and advice above to start working towards that goal. As I said, it will take hard work, but you can do it because you’re capable of anything as a human being.
Now I want to hear from you! Comment below and tell me the hardest part about getting more views on your blog. What are you having trouble with the most? Let’s work it out right here in the comment section.
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About the Author
Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.
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