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Forum Promotion:

A Review of the

Largest Promotion Community


Forum Promotion is an online message forum dedicated to assisting members in promoting their forums through services on the community gained through earning forum currency by being active.

This forum has been around for many years.

I’ve been a member of the forum for 12-years.

Full transparency: I’m a team leader there. I lead their marketing services, and I write for their blog. I wasn’t asked to create this article. I wanted to do it based on my experience in the community. I wanted to give Forum Promotion a thorough review.


Forum Promotion Replaced The Admin Zone for me

I used to be a regular on The Admin Zone (TAZ), one of the largest admin forums online. After The Sandman sold the forum off, in my opinion, it went downhill. Now, even though the current ownership tries, it feels clicky when I log in there. I feel awkward posting there, which hurts me because I’ve been a member there for so long. But all things have an expiration date, I reckon.

Enough of me griping about TAZ. I want to say; that I don’t dislike the people on TAZ. It is not The Admin Zone that I remember and enjoyed.

I started going back to TAZ because I wanted to get back into forums. I had been absent from them for quite some time. With TAZ not being the forum, I remembered I was lost. I remembered Forum Promotion and went to see if it was still active. I remember using their posting service a time or two. I logged in to find the forum very busy and still kicking. I started posting on it, was greeted, welcomed back by folks I remember from the past and started to enjoy the message forum again.

Finally, I found a forum to start being active on. A forum with fellow forum owners to boot!


From Posting Spree to Marketing Team Member

When I first began getting active on Forum Promotion (FP) once again, I started posting frequently. I quickly discovered if a forum is worth being active on or not based on my posting frequency. I like to post a lot. Some forum owners hate that and will punish you quickly for posting too much. Even though I post quality content because I know how much it matters. FP didn’t punish me. Instead, they joined me in being active, and I felt like my old forum self again.

When a forum I am active on makes me feel welcome, I subscribe to any premium service they might have. I quickly become a premium member of FP.

Then I noticed they had a posting for a marketing team member. I’ve been trying to start a marketing agency, so I figured it would be a good experience. So, I applied.

It didn’t take long for them to accept me as the newest marketing team member.

I want to say this. I enjoyed the former team leader, but it didn’t work out for him on the forum, and he left soon after. I hope he is doing better, and best of wishes to him.

I was asked to become the Marketing Team Leader, where I am today. I post one new blog post a week (with the help of fellow staffers), and I manage a two-person team (myself included) on social media marketing services for forum owners.

And I do this solely as a volunteer because I love the community and the experience.


My Honest Opinion of Forum Promotion

It’s a great group of people.

The owner cares and pushes for the community to celebrate its members. They do annual events and contests that they’re proud of. They care about their community, which is essential today in running a message forum.

The fellow staff members are great to work with and care for one another. I enjoy being a part of the team. I feel like I am helping to make a difference in the community.

The members are great, too. They converse the way members of a forum should. It makes you feel like you’re in a time when forums are trendy again before social media takes over.


I’m glad I logged back into Forum Promotion. The community has made me love forums again. I hope you have enjoyed my little review. Be sure to join Forum Promotion Community today to enjoy the forum as much as possible. Thank you, FP!



Founder, Forum Tips Blog

Howdy! My name is Shawn and I founded ForumTips.Blog! I created this blog to share my 20+ years of message forum knowledge with other community administrators and moderators. Learn about useful topics here such as managing, marketing, profiting, and sustaining your message forum community!