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5 Steps to

Facebook Marketing


in 2022

Do you desire Facebook Marketing Success?

We all do.

I’ve been lucky enough to make it over the 10,000 followers mark.

I’ve learned a lot from 10,000 followers, too!

I’ve learned that many strategies work or don’t work or provide minimal results, not making them worth trying out.

But there are a few ways that have always worked for me.

And those methods are best for Facebook marketing success.

Let’s take a look at those methods now!


Facebook Marketing Success Step 1: Branding

Let me start with branding!

If you want Facebook marketing success, you must tap into your inner branding skills.

Everyone can build a brand! Even you!

You must figure out what you can create around the thing you want to market on the social media giant.

My brand turned out to be a particular local outdoor recreation industry. And it has made me somewhat of a household name in my local area. That’s branding! That’s what you want to achieve!

Building a brand around a Facebook marketing strategy is easier than making one around a non-brand.

And a word of branding advice – keep everything the same across all social media. I mean the same color theme, avatar, background, logo, etc.

People need to recognize you anywhere. That’s branding!


Facebook Marketing Success Step 2: 90/10 Rule

90% Native! 10% Non-Native!

That’s my simple definition of the 90/10 Rule.

This means that 90% of all content and posts you make on Facebook should be native content.

Native content is uploading videos directly to Facebook.

Native content is uploading photos directly to Facebook.

Native content is creating text-based posts directly on Facebook.

Non-native content is posting external content meaning links to websites away from Facebook.

It’s no secret that Facebook wants to keep you on its network so that its ads are clicked more often. In the end, that is how Facebook makes money. Without that money, Facebook can’t exist.

Because of that, Facebook has adjusted its algorithm to ensure that non-native (external links) content gets fewer views than content that is natively added to the social media platform.

This means that using Facebook solely to promote external content is likely a waste of your time.

Focus your efforts on building a community on Facebook rather than getting the community to leave Facebook for something else.


Facebook Marketing Success Step 3: Consistent Content

Content matters.

That’s something that has been drilled into our heads since the creation of the internet.

And when social media came along, it started mattering.

But now, content is competitive because of oversaturation and how many people are online. Now we have to be more clever about how we distribute content online.

On social media, we have to post a good amount of content routine to show the algorithms when we will be posting and bring more traffic to our social pages.

This is called consistency.

It doesn’t matter how much you post.

It matters how often you post.

You need to be consistent about posting. This is whether you post once a week or five times a day. You need to be consistent about it.

At the beginning or when you’re trying to pivot into a new strategy for Facebook marketing success, it is okay to post at different times and at different paces to find your consistent means of content creation.

But once you find it, you need to stick with it.

I find scheduling features or software like Buffer to be an excellent tool for helping me stay consistent on Facebook.


Facebook Marketing Success Step 4: Prioritize Engagement

Content is important, but engagement might be more critical.

Engagement will create Facebook marketing success over every tactic I discuss in this article.

Engagement is that important.

If you have under 1,000 followers on your Facebook page, you should be engaging with everyone who comments. Whether it’s an emoji to let them know their post makes you happy or a genuine comment, you need to reply to everyone.

Ask good questions as part of your replies to help build relationships and keep the discussion going.

Relationships will create loyal fans.

Discussions will keep loyal fans on your Facebook page.

The people you want to follow you are the ones you build relationships with.


Facebook Marketing Success Step 5: Posting as Page

Post as your page! Be active with your page!

Find popular top pages in your niche and comment on their posts.

Do this regularly.

This will help get you known. This will help you build a brand.

But make sure you post quality content!

Quick generic content will always result in a bad result.

Quality content that makes people want to respond will result in a good result, with new followers likely added to your page.

In reality, you need to be authentic.


And that’s it! Do the simple things above, and you’ll have no problem with Facebook marketing success.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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