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One Hundred and One

One Hundred and One

One Hundred and One 101 Today marks an achievement and the end of a challenge. I wanted to see if I could publish a post on this blog daily. I did it. I did it for 101 days straight. This is the 101st blog post since I started blogging daily on this blog. I also did...
You’re Allowed to Take a Break

You’re Allowed to Take a Break

You’re Allowed to Take a Break It’s okay to take a break. Not everything has to be about the hustle. So-called “experts” will tell you to make, make, and make on social media daily. They say the day you take a break is when your downfall begins. Your downfall doesn’t...
How to Write Quality Content that Gets Read

How to Write Quality Content that Gets Read

How to Write Quality Content that Gets Read You probably won’t get that many readers and followers if you don’t write quality content. But what’s quality content these days? Everyone says this. Everyone says that. Is there even a true meaning to what...
What kind of Content?

What kind of Content?

What kind of Content? It’s okay to write short-form content. It’s also okay to write long-form content. You can even mix it and write both types. Content doesn’t have to be written. It can be a photo. It can be a video. I can be a photo turned into a video. It can be...

Just Give It Away

Just Give It Away Just give it away. If you write an eBook for your niche, just give it away. If you make an app for your industry, give that away. If you know the answer to the question, answer it for free. If you know how to solve the problem, solve it for free....
How to Grow Your Newsletter Quickly

How to Grow Your Newsletter Quickly

How to Grow Your Newsletter Quickly Are you looking to grow your newsletter? Would you like to grow it quickly? Growing a newsletter seems like it would be a difficult task. Some people even claim it’s dead. Why would anyone want a newsletter when social media...