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29 Blog Post Types to Get More Readers

There are many blog post types you can use on your blog.

Post types help you create new inspiration for different ways to get your readers information about your niche or industry.

Most bloggers use many different types of blog posts to get serious readers on their blogs. The types listed in this article are some of the best types to use to get more readers.

This post itself uses one of the best blog post types used, which is called a listicle. We’ll get into listicles more in a minute.

Experiment with Different Blog Post Types

The best way to know which blog post types are best for your blog is to use many of them.

You should experiment with different post types. Try to take note of the analytics of each of them and the engagement and shares you get from your readers. Some experts say that “how-to” and “listicles” are the only post types you’ll ever need to create.

But for some blogs, not using other post types might cause you to lose a lot of great opportunities to get more readers. It really depends on your niche and if you have something to sell to readers.

For the results, experiment and use what works best.

And then leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite blog post types.


Best Blog Post Types to Get More Reader

Here are 29 different blog post types to help you generate more readers, comments, and shares when you create the best content using them.

Blog Post Types

1 – How-To and Tutorials

How-To posts are some of the best types of blog posts to create.

When most of us need help with something, and we search for it on the internet, we often start the search by typing “how to.” Using this post format could get you great readers and engagement if you write the right content for it.

Tutorials are just the same. They teach us how to do stuff that we want to learn how to do.

You just have to make sure content shows people how to do what they want to learn how to do.

Example: How to Write a Great How-To Article in 8 Easy Steps by Masterclass


2 – Latest Industry News

When you cater to a specific niche or industry, announcing the latest news to your audience is important.

If you can get industry or niche news to your readers promptly, you can build a very loyal following of readers. But to be able to do this, you have to be up-to-date with industry and niche news. Create alerts, check the websites, and get into the “know-how” of these industry or niche news sources.

Spreading the news first will also allow you to develop your expertise by knowing what’s happening before more people and your competition become aware of new things.

Example: LinkedIn Unveils Messaging Inbox For Company Pages by Search Engine Journal


3 – Checklists

Checklists make for great blog post types to start sharing with your readers.

Many times, there are steps that your readers should take to start enjoying activities within your niche or industry. Or maybe there are things they need to get to advance in the industry. You can practically create a checklist for many different reasons and industries.

Your checklist should be informative and descriptive for the best results.

Example: Day Hiking Essentials Checklist by REI Co-Op


4 – Listicles

Listicles are one of the best blog post types you can create.

If you search for any keyword on Google, chances are there will be a few listicle-type articles on page one. This post is an example of a listicle because I’m listing 29 different types of blog posts. A Top-10 post is an example of a listicle. People enjoy lists. This should be a format you use often.

Just ensure you’re putting in the best information possible and try to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Example: 100 Things To Do in the Shawnee National Forest by Hiking with Shawn (This is my other blog!)


5 – Case Studies

A case study is when you provide detailed research about a particular topic in your niche or industry.

Case studies are often large blog posts. They take a while to write but typically take longer to be researched from the start. It’s good to work on case studies a little at a time while creating other blog post formats. You should try to post a few case studies a year if you can.

The amazing thing about case study posts is that website owners are more likely to link to them, giving me a better chance of getting a good backlink which helps with blog SEO.



6 – Data Studies and Metrics

Data studies are much like case studies but focus more on metrics and statistical data.

These kinds of posts are often link juice meaning getting backlinks isn’t usually hard after you write data studies. People want to know the data about industry and niche subjects. These are harder to compile and create, but if you can get a few of them out each year, you’ll thank yourself for all the attention you’ll get.

The more sources you provide for your data studies, the more trust will attach to it. These blog post types take many hours of work to complete, but the reward, in the end, is usually worth the time.

Example: 50 Blogging Statistics for 2023 by the Ahrefs Blog

Blog Strategy

7 – Interviews

Interviews make for great readable blog post ideas that your audience will love.

This is especially true if you interview an expert in the industry or niche. You could always ask the interviewee the questions your readers have asked you to include to make the interview even more popular among your readership. You’ll usually get tons of attention when experts answer difficult questions in a niche.

It’s best to video interview people so that you can create a transcript for your blog and then use the video and audio versions on social media. You can also cut media up for short-form videos.

Example: How WordPress Came To Be – An Interview With Matt Mullenweg And Mike Little by Smashing Magazine


8 – Reviews

Reviews are great if you can truly master them the way they should be.

The best thing to do is look at some of the top reviews for your favorite products. Get inspiration from those top reviews. Suppose you can create a detailed review that provides significant value to someone looking to buy something. In that case, you’ll gain a loyal reader as an end result if you also provide related reviews and blogs about such products.

The very best type of review is the review that gives all the details, including the pros and cons.

Example: GoPro Hero 11 review: One change makes all the difference by Engadget


9 – Comparisons

Comparison blog post types are like reviews but with more than one product.

You basically do mini-reviews with multiple products and then compare each one. It’s best to create full reviews for each product and then link them to a cornerstone page, simultaneously comparing all the products. You can compare two products or multiple products. Either way typically gets a good readership.

It’s good to list the pros, cons, and how each product differs from the next based on a standard feature list.

Example: 5 Best WordPress Membership Plugins (Compared) – 2023 by WP Beginner


10 – Cornerstone Posts

Cornerstone posts or pages focus on your main niche topics and provide a resource list to all sub-topics under them.

For example, if you post about camping, hiking, and cycling on your blog – those three topics would be your cornerstone topics. Every post you make about each of those three topics is your sub-topics. You can create a post just for all your hiking posts to be compiled and linked to create a resources page.

This is a good way to prevent the creation of orphan posts or content that never gets shared on other content.

Example: Start a Blog by Pro Blogger


11 – Solutions to Problems

Find and solve the biggest problems in your industry for the best results.

Look for the biggest problems in your niche or industry. Research the problems and experiment with solutions. If you find a solution, create an easy way for people to solve that problem. Create a detailed blog post showing them how to solve the problems. If you can solve the biggest problems in your niche, you’ll be the expert everyone follows.

These blog post types are what can make you famous within your niche or industry if you do them right.

Example: How to Build Your Own House: A Step-by-Step Guide by the Spruce


12 – Inspirational Stories

We are all looking for some kind of inspiration, whether it is to make our lives easier or to live better.

You’ll get more readers if you can share your own story or a story from someone else that inspired people to better their lives. The best kinds of stories are ones that your audience can relate to. People want to connect to what you have to say in your blog posts. You should always publish content that is meant to easily allow others to connect with it.

Put your readers first when creating content, and you’ll notice a greater following.

Example: How I Stopped Worrying About What Others Think of Me by Tiny Buddha


13 – Frequently Asked Questions

Frequent question posts are a great way to earn more readers and engagement.

Everyone has questions about every niche and industry. Sometimes it’s a good idea to get on social media or elsewhere and ask your audience industry-related questions. Take the most asked questions and create a blog post answering them with the best answers possible. This is also a great way to get ranked better on search engines.

A good FAQ post is something you can do again and again and get a great response.

Example: 101 Blog FAQ Questions Answered That New Bloggers Often Ask by Pro Marketing Online


14 – Top Takeaways

The top takeaways blog post types give your readers recaps about a specific industry or niche activity.

You can use this format with almost every niche. You can post about the top takeaways from a basketball game, a new movie, a book, or even the latest iPhone. These types of blog posts allow readers to learn the best parts of something in a quicker amount of time rather than having to read an entire article or watch an entire thing.

You’ll have to consume the full content to decide the best takeaways.

Example: 5 Tasty takeaways from the best food blogs by Go Daddy


15 – Beginner Guides

Most niches and industries require beginner guides, and they typically perform well.

Create an ultimate beginner guide for your niche or industry, and you’ll get active readers for it. Try to make your guide easy to understand and follow. The more value you can put into your beginner guide, the better response you’ll get. You want people to get into the niche or industry because it will mean more potential readers for you.

You can typically make beginner guides for multiple activities within your niche.

Example: The Ultimate Guide to HTML for Beginners: How to Write, Learn & Use It by HubSpot


16 – Guest Blogs

Guest blogs are articles written by other people on your blog.

They make a great filler article when you need more time to work on your own posts. Guest blog posts should be just as good as your posts. They need to be valuable and trusting. A bad guest post would make you look bad even if someone else wrote it. You allowed it on your blog, after all. You should ensure that the post isn’t spammy or poorly written.

It’s okay to reject guest blogging requests. I reject 9 out of 10 sent to me.

Example: 8 Tips for Crafting a Winning Subject Line for Your Email Pitch by ProBlogger

Blog SEO Tips

17 – Cheat Sheets

Cheat Sheets make for great blog post types that tend to be loved by audiences.

A cheat sheet is a blog post that gives detailed information about how to “cheat” or “hack” something to do with the niche or industry. It isn’t really suggesting cheating in an unethical way or anything like that. It merely gives the readers easier ways of doing things. It is typically meant to save people time, energy, and money.

You can always summarize a shorter version of an extensive guide and call it a cheat sheet.

Example: How To Write The Ultimate Blog Post: A Blogger’s Cheat Sheet by Blogging Wizard


18 – Photo Blog and Galleries

Photoblogs and galleries are special kinds of posts that feature specific photos and galleries.

A blog is a great way to showcase photos and galleries. If you’re a photographer, you can make your whole post nothing but a photo and a caption or a gallery of photos. It’s always good to add some text to it for the purpose of SEO, but it isn’t required by any means. If you serve an audience who enjoys consuming your photos, this is a good way to showcase them to your audience.

Just remember to use smaller photo sizes so that your content loads quickly.

Example: Northern Gannet in flight with seaweed by Nature Photography Blog


19 – Recipes

Food blogs are one of the most profitable blog niches out of any kind of blog niche you can choose.

So, it’s safe to say that a recipe blog post will likely get many readers if it’s done well. If you can include one with your niche, you might as well give it a shot. The best recipe blog post will have text, images, and video. You should also show what the final product will look like and ensure it looks delicious.

You can usually incorporate recipe posts with any niche by relating them to your niche.

Example: Skillet Creamed Street Corn Chicken by Half-Baked Harvest


20 – Respond to Customer Questions

If a customer asks you about your products, services, or the industry – use it as an excuse to blog.

Customer Questions make for perfect blog posts. It allows you to write the full details to answer the question. Chance are, the question will be asked again, and after you write the blog, you can provide an answer with the existing post. This type of blog will also make the customer who asked the question feel valued and served well.

It’s best to include just the first name of the customer who asked the question to protect privacy.

Example: The Benefits of a Help Desk by Totlcom


21 – Curated Content

Curated content is helpful for your readers because you’re doing the work for them.

This is where you gather up the most important topics (whether your own or links to others) and create a blog post with everything you found. You’ll typically organize everything so that it’s easy to read and find different topics. This would be a great way to show many different things in your niche or industry and present them in one blog post.

Doing the hard work for your readers will earn you loyal fans if you keep it up.

Example: 15 best form builder apps in 2023 by Web Flow Blog


22 – Templates

Templates are a great way to get new readers because they seem like they are freebies.

Most niches enable the ability to create templates for your blog posts. Templates can be for just about anything. I could make blog checklist templates or SEO templates for blog posts for this blog. I could make hiking gear checklist templates or trail guide templates for my hiking blog. Then you can offer these templates for free in your blog post.

When people see free, they react differently and must have what is free.

Example: 101 Free Microsoft Word Templates by My Excel Online


23 – Infographics

Infographics are a great way to earn some readers and get many shares and engagement.

Infographics are graphical media that depict information on the graphics. It’s like creating a mini-blog post on an image in a roundabout way. These can be used for practically any niche. Your goal is to put interesting, informative, and valuable information on a graphic that’s designed to relate to the niche.

People typically share these infographics, so put your blog link somewhere on it.

Example: Infographic: Educating Doctors and Patients About Atrial Fibrillation by Column Five Media


24 – Vlog

A vlog is a blog created with video and is very popular in today’s social media culture.

This works like a photo blog. Your link to the embedded video and maybe include a caption under it. If you want to do better with SEO, you might also consider putting a paragraph or two with some headings on your blog post. Just make sure that the video is the main emphasis of the post. This is one of the easiest kinds of blog posts to create if you’re into video.

Because video is so popular, these kinds of blog posts will typically get many readers.

Example: Retrospective: Wild Journey Across Montenegro by Shiey


25 – Podcast Show Notes and Audio

Podcast show notes always make for great blog posts.

After you record a podcast, you can create a blog post with its show notes. Show notes summarized what the show was about. They also include important links and engagement topics for the audience. Some show notes are advanced and basically describe the entire show in text form. The more text-based content, the better it can be for SEO.

You can also include the video or audio version of the show in the blog post for more views.

Example: Solo Like Me: The Seth Godin Interview by The Solo Project


26 – Behind the Scenes

A blog post showing behind-the-scenes of your niche operations or a project always does well.

Your fans and followers often want to see what is behind the scenes with your brand or company. Or maybe you want to show how you post to your blog behind the scenes. Showing what happens behind the scenes builds trust since your audience understands what you do that they don’t often see.

Behind-the-scenes videos also typically do very well when attached to blog posts.



27 – Glossary

A glossary is often very informative and can make for a great blog post.

I’m sure your niche or industry has the main words that are associated with it. Some words may mean something to someone else but not the others. There could even be words invented specifically for the niche. Maybe there are product names and brand names. You can create an ultimate directory to show your audience what words are associated with the industry or niche.

These are always good to update and repurpose throughout the years.

Example: 231 Blogging Terms You Need to Know in 2023 by Ryan Robinson


28 – Product Showcase

If you sell products and services, you must promote them with your blog.

You can create showcase blog post types to tell your audience about what your products and services do, how to use them, how to update them, and how to maintain them. This is also a chance to market your products and service to potential customers who are not yet using them.

If you have a lot of products and services, you can make a lot of blog posts.

Example: Divi Product Highlight: Divi Den Pro – Layout Library by Elegant Themes


29 – Customer Testimonials

Show the world your customer testimonials with your blog.

If a customer leaves a review or posts a testimonial about your blog, business, product, or services, take that opportunity to turn it into a blog. These posts help other people decide on purchases from your business. These types of posts also build trust and add value to your business in your industry.

Celebrate those who love your brand by blogging about their love.

Example: Local Consumer Review Survey 2023 by Bright Local


And that concludes 29 different blog post types to get more readers on your blog. Start using the post types above, and you’ll soon be able to notice more visitors and comments. Thank you for reading this post. Please share it. Follow me on Twitter for more articles and tips about blogging.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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