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Blogging Isn’t Dead: You can still make money with blogs!

Blogging Isn’t Dead.

A lot of so-called “experts” want to say blogging is dead when it isn’t. The majority of those saying it has an agenda to push, whether it’s them trying to sell you something or them trying to push something on you that will benefit them in some way or another. I’m telling you blogging isn’t dead, but you don’t have to buy anything from me, either.

In this post, I’ll explain why blogging is still alive and how you can use it to make money online. I’ve been earning money every day with my blogs for years.

After you read this post, let me know in the comment section what your biggest struggle with blogging is, and I’ll be happy to reply with my thoughts on it.

Blogging Isn't Dead

Blogging Isn’t Dead: Ignore the critics!

Ignore critics of blogging because blogging isn’t dead at all.

The proof? Go to Google and search for “any keyword you want” and past the video, AI, and image links will be tons of text-based website links. Most of them will be using a blog or a blog-like structure of some sort.

That proves that blogging is still very much alive.

Need more proof? At least 43% of all websites on the Internet are using WordPress, the main blogging software available. If 43% of all websites are still using blogging software that has been around for ages, wouldn’t you think blogging is still alive?

When people say blogging is dead – ask yourself why they are saying it and what they are trying to get from you in saying it.

Here’s a marketing and copywriting secret. Suppose you can use a scare tactic or emotional response to get someone to purchase something. In that case, you should use it to your advantage like everyone else does including insurance companies, personal loan givers, pharmaceuticals, and everyone in between. It’s easy to say something is dead if you’re trying to get someone to become emotionally involved enough to buy a product or service.

Now, you might think making money from blogging is dead, but maybe that’s because you’re doing it wrong.


You don’t get paid to post articles.

No, blogging isn’t dead, but that doesn’t mean you’ll make a lot of money from writing blog posts, either.

See, most bloggers are not making money from writing blog posts because no one is really going to pay you to post blog posts on your own blog. You get paid from blogging for other monetization efforts you make with your blog. Writing content is what you need to do in order to get to a certain point where you can make money with your blog, but it doesn’t mean you’ll be paid for the actual content you publish.

You can make money with your blog doing other things geared at earning revenue.

In this post, I’ll share with you the best ways to monetize your blog. Those include stuff like advertising, affiliate marketing, accepting donations, offering services, and selling products. Blogging isn’t dead at all because you need it in order to get to a level where you can make money.

Blogging is also your space that can’t be ripped away from you like other spaces.

Remember when TikTok closed down for a day because it was being banned? Every creator on that platform lost everything in the blink of an eye, and many were in shambles because it was their entire life and work. Social media is a rented space, meaning you don’t own it, and you can lose it at any time, but blogging is yours, and it can’t be taken away from you.

Now that you understand blogging isn’t dead let’s move on to how you can actually make money with your blog.

Make Money Blogging

If blogging isn’t dead, how can I make money?

There are many ways to make money with your blog, but in this post, I’ll show you the best ones.


Advertising and Affiliate Marketing

The easiest way to make money with a blog is through advertising networks and affiliate marketing.

However, there are two ways to go about doing this. One way will be the easiest, but you’ll only make pennies to the dollars that the main companies are making because they’re doing most of the work. However, the other methods will allow you to make more money because you’ll be doing most of the work.

How to make money the easiest way but not make as much money because you aren’t doing the work?

This one is simple but often requires some content, a privacy policy, an ads.txt file, and some good traffic. You can earn revenue through ads using free services like Google AdSense or an affiliate marketing service like Amazon Associates.

If you want to do more of the work and increase your revenue earning potential, then you can use the following alternative to advertising and affiliates.

Sell advertising on your blog through banner ads, sponsored posts, newsletter ads, and even pull page ads. You could also use affiliate marketing of individual websites and brands that offer more money than what an affiliate network like Amazon would offer. You usually have to “cold contact” in order to make these kinds of sales and do all the work to get paid for it.

Advertising and affiliate marketing are great ways to earn money, especially at the start of your blogging career.



Another great way to earn some money with your blog is through donations.

There are a few ways you can earn through donations. You can offer a link to donate, such as a PayPal donation widget, or use something like Buy Me a Coffee, asking people to donate on each post or page you create. You can also do donation drives where you’re asking for a certain amount of donations in order to reach a goal.

There are some great things you can offer to those who donate to you.

You could use donations instead of ads and affiliate marketing as a way to help reduce the need for advertisements on your blog, as some people feel that ads are annoying to see. You could also enable private access for those who donate in terms of a special mailing list, a forum, or a social group of some kind. The idea is that a donation is more given as a contribution for what you’re already providing rather than paying for some kind of extra benefit.

Donations can be very effective, as we have seen for years now from Wikipedia, which does them a few times a year to sustain itself online.


Services and Products

The best way to make the most money with your blog is by selling your own products and services.

By selling your own products and services, you remove all middlemen, but that also means you do all the work yourself. You can usually make enough money to start your own affiliate service, where you pay others to promote your stuff, which in return makes you more money. With digital services and products, it’s also very easy to start selling your own stuff with your blog.

Blogging isn’t dead because people are always using it to sell their products and services.

You’ll create content on your blog consistently to increase your reputation, authority, and expertise in your niche. Then, you’ll convert readers into customers by advertising your products and services to them. But you’ll need to make sure that you create the best content possible in order to get more readers to convert into customers.

There are many types of products and services to offer with your blog.

The main thing you want to do is research the biggest pain points in your niche and create a product or service that helps with those because that is what most people are willing to pay for. You can use services like consulting, designing, marketing, and other similar services. You can also create digital products like apps, eBooks, paid communities, and courses.

Most serious bloggers sell their own products or services and turn them into full-time careers, utilizing their blogs to make it happen.


Your Blog WILL Die If…

Now, even though I’ve told you that blogging isn’t dead, that doesn’t mean that your blog isn’t dead.

There are many ways to kill a blog. A blog is like a house plant; you have to tend to it if you want it to stay alive and grow. If you don’t take the proper steps to ensure your blog remains healthy, you can easily lead it to its death.

Your blog will die if you’re not consistent with your content.

Consistency matters just as much as the content and engagement of the content because people need to get used to your posting schedule in order to become loyal readers. You need to choose a comfortable posting schedule and then stick to it. The more you post, the more likely you’ll get more readers, but it can also strain you, which is why you need to find a comfortable consistency (I post once a week every Wednesday at 10 in the morning).

Your blog will die if you’re not marketing your content.

If you want your blog posts to be read by more people, you have to spread them out to your audience. You should use marketing tactics like SEO and social media to help spread the word about your content and get more eyes on it. You want to develop loyal readers who will act as ambassadors of your blog and share everything you share about it.

Your blog will die if you let it die.

If you give up on your blog, it will die. At the end of the day, giving up on your blog is the only real way to kill it because, at that point, you’re done with it. Instead of giving up on it, try adjusting your posting routine or even pivoting to a different niche if that is needed.

For every blogger who allows their blog to die is a possible missed opportunity of their lifetime.


Final Thoughts on Why Blogging Isn’t Dead

Now that you know that blogging isn’t dead and that you can still make money with it, what do you think is holding you back? If nothing is holding you back, then get out there and start earning. If something else is holding you back, then comment below. Let’s discuss it because I’d love to help you succeed right from the comment section (not trying to sell you anything).

But I do welcome donations. If you found value in this post and want to support me in writing it, consider buying me a Coffee. It will motivate me to keep making these posts.

Be sure to subscribe to my free newsletter for upcoming blogging tips and resources that you won’t find anywhere else.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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