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How to Become a Daily Blogger without Being Overwhelmed

I’m a daily blogger.

I blog every single day. I do it on three blogs, too.

I’m nearing 100 days straight on two of them. I just recently started posting every day on the third one.

I don’t blog every day for money. I don’t make that much money with my blogs.

I’m not doing it for attention or fame. Not a lot of people see my blogs.

I’m doing it to challenge myself. I’m doing it to better myself as a content creator and writer. I am doing it because it uplifts my mood, kills stress, and makes me happy.

The very act of writing this blog post makes me happy.

But blogging every day of three blogs sounds like it’s too much. Of course, for the average person, it would be too much. But for the average person, becoming a daily blogger on just one blog isn’t too much. So I don’t think it’s that bad.

And that’s why I’m writing this article. I want to show you how to become a daily blogger without overwhelming yourself.

A Daily Blogger Doesn’t Care About Length

There are some blogging gurus out there in internetland that instruct bloggers to write 1,000 to 10,000-word blog posts.

They claim it’s the only way you should blog.

It’s simply not true!

Writing long blog posts doesn’t put your blog in a better place. Google isn’t ranking your blog higher because the length is more extended. More people are not reading your article because it’s longer than other articles.

Some people might read it less because it’s too much to read.

The length of a blog post falls into the quantity category, a vanity metric.

The truth is the best length of a blog post is the length you need to write to get your point across to the reader.

The length could be 10,000 words, or it could be 100 words. I’ve written long, short, and even very short posts.

Go check out Seth Godin’s blog. He’s been a daily blogger since 2005. Some of his posts are a few sentences, and that’s it. But, in the marketing world, he and his blog are among the most famous.

It doesn’t take a long post to succeed with blogging.

So that’s one way not to be overwhelmed as a daily blogger – you don’t have to make a 10,000-word article every day.

Daily Blogger

You Should Write Every Day

I’m not saying you need to write each blog every day.

Sometimes, I will write a few blog posts a day and schedule them ahead of time so that I’m a couple of blog posts ahead of schedule.

That’s good practice if you need a break now and then or have kids and have activities with them.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t write every day.

Writing daily is the best way to enhance your skills as a blogger. It does so many things for you. First, it helps you become a better writer. Second, it creates a writing habit that makes being a daily blogger more straightforward in the long run. Third, it enhances your mind, keeps your brain working, and might even help prevent dementia and other brain disorders.

Remember what I said above, you don’t have to write a long article every day to be a daily blogger. You need to publish – that’s it.

Try to write when you can. Try to write on a schedule and make that time of the day the time for writing. But be flexible about it. Allow for others things to happen that might take away writing time. If you have something scheduled ahead, skipping a day is okay.

Once you start worrying about missing a day of writing, things become overwhelming.


If you can get to a point where you create a deadline to write one blog post every day, and you try to meet that deadline every day as if it was your job, and that turns into a habit – then you will become a better writer and daily blogger at the end of the day.

That should be the ultimate goal.


A Daily Blogger has and uses Tools

Take advantage of the tools available to help you become a daily blogger.

I wrote this article in just a few hours. I edited it while I wrote it. I write a section at a time, and then I edit the section before I move on to the next. I do this with the help of Grammarly. It’s a freemium grammar and spelling assistance software. It helps you edit your content quickly and efficiently.

I’ve been such as advocate for using Grammarly that the company invited me to become an official ambassador. I’m honored to be one because the service is that good.

Another tool I use is WordPress. This is my publishing platform. I’ve written an extensive article on how to start a blog that I recommend you check out. It talks more about why you would use WordPress over other options.

The main features I enjoy using with WordPress are a third-party plugin Yoast and the default post-scheduling feature.

The Yoast Plugin is a free (with a great paid version) tool to help you audit your blog posts (and pages) for search engine optimization tactics. Even if you don’t care much about your position on search engines, it’s nice to learn the basics of SEO as a daily blogger because one day, you might want to take your blog to the next level.

As I said, I blog daily because it helps me feel uplifted, but I welcome the possibility of profit and readership along with it.

The default content scheduling features enable me to write multiple daily posts and schedule them to post ahead of time. I also do this with social media using the Buffer application. If you can automate specific tasks as a daily blogger, it makes your life easier.

You’ll find great tools to help you get better at blogging. So be open-minded to try new things because the result might be the best thing for you at the end of the day.


Be a Daily Blogger for 30 Days

Do a daily blogging challenge for 30 days to see if being a daily blogger is right for you.

Make sure you understand that there is no winning or losing with this challenge. It’s merely focused on whether or not you feel like you would enjoy blogging daily.

Put a lot of emphasis on writing daily as part of this challenge. Once you turn that into a habit, it doesn’t have a chance to become overwhelming. Instead, it becomes a part of your life.

30 days is long enough to see if daily blogging is for you or not for you.

Here’s the kicker, though!

If you find that publishing every day is too much, after 30 days of doing it, doing it once or twice a week will seem more manageable than it has ever been before.

If you’re not consistently blogging but have always wanted to, taking this challenge can help you bring your consistency to the next level.

It will be a simple task to blog a few times a week after blogging once a day for 30 days straight.

But if you find yourself able to do it every day, after 30 days, extend it by another 30 days to see if you can keep going.

And if you miss a day here and there, it’s not that big of a deal. It happens. Life happens. Scheduling features sometimes fail.

Start your daily blogger journey with a 30-day challenge.


Becoming a daily blogger doesn’t have to be as overwhelming as it may seem. Take the advice above to help you consider whether blogging daily is right for you. If you’ve enjoyed this post, please share it and comment, telling me what you think. Follow me on Twitter for more daily blogging tips.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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