Fast Blog Strategy: Create a Profitable High-Traffic Blog in a Year
Would you like a fast blog strategy?
Some bloggers will tell you it takes years to build a successful blog. That sounds like a long time, doesn’t it? It almost sounds like a lot of hard work and struggling just to make something of your content. It almost seems like waiting that long would be a waste of time.
While it can take many years to make your blog highly profitable and famous, there are ways to speed up the process significantly.
I will show you how to implement a fast blog strategy that will take a year or less. I’ll point out how to create content consistently, get noticed by your audience, and make money with your blog.
You can even turn blogging into a full-time gig!
You will have to work hard to accomplish this, but if you do, you’ll accomplish it way faster than most people would.
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Fast Blog Strategy 1 – Content and Consistency Phase (3 to 4 Months)
The first couple of months of your fast blog strategy should be all about content and consistency. You need to find your rhythm and ability to produce content at scale to quickly create a successful blog. After you decide what blog niche you’ll be covering, it’s time to focus entirely on content.
A Month of Writing
Find out if blogging is for you before you waste too much time only to quit.
Creating content for a month straight can achieve this phase’s two important objectives. First, you’ll have created a ton of content for your blog. And second, you’ll be able to determine if blogging will be for you or not.
You don’t want to jump into blogging, do it for a long time, and then quit without any real results to show for it, right?
Then focus your entire first month on creating new content for your blog. But don’t publish anything yet. Try to create as many articles as you can in the first month.
Finding Your Consistency
After you create content for a month, you will create content for another month. But this time, you’re going to focus on consistency.
The first month was about creating content to see if you’ll like creating content for your blog. Now you’ll do the same, but you’ll focus your efforts on determining how many times a week or month you want to create content for your blog.
Imagine if you didn’t have any content created, and you would start blogging today. Knowing how much content you can create in a month, would you want to create a new post daily? How about once or twice a week? Maybe a few times a month?
This part of the first phase is all about finding the rhythm and consistency of how often you want to post new articles on your blog.
Scheduling for Success
After a few months of writing content and not publishing anything, you now get a reward for it.
The reward is the massive amount of content you should have compiled after two months of writing. This content can be scheduled to post consistently that you plan to keep by continuing to write when you’re in the mood to.
In two months, you should have been able to create enough content to schedule ahead of time for a few months. It depends on how much content you create and how often you want to post it.
Just make sure you schedule it based on your how often you plan to post. Breaking a consistent schedule in the beginning is fine if you wish to pivot how often you post, but doing it after you’ve established yourself and your blog can negatively impact your blog.
A Word of Content Value
When creating articles for your blog, it’s important to focus on writing the best content you’ve written.
Don’t make the mistake of writing generic content just because you want to create more articles. You need to spend time on your posts. You need to ensure they’re of high value and quality.
Readers should get something after reading your content – something that makes their life better in some way or another.
When writing content for your blog, create well-researched articles that provide easy answers to the hardest questions in your niche and solutions to the most challenging problems of your industry, and make that the requirement every time you write a new article.
Fast Blog Strategy 2 – Marketing and Reputation Phase (3 to 4 Months)
The next part of the fast blog strategy is all about developing expertise in your industry and gaining significant amounts of blog traffic. The more you know about your niche as an expert, the more people will come to your blog for advice. And you need to do the following things while still consistently creating content as you have for the past three or four months explained above.
Start a Newsletter
It’s time you start collecting an audience to send to your new articles and other hustles that accompany your blog.
This can be accomplished with a mailing list. A mailing list is essential to almost any type of blogger and niche. It allows you to collect an audience that you’ll always have access to. Your mailing list contact list is yours, and yours to do what you want with.
You need to start sending newsletters to your mailing list consistently. Most bloggers send weekly newsletters, but monthly newsletters are fine, too. The content in your newsletter should be snippets of recent blog posts with links to full articles and exclusive content that your subscribers will only find in your newsletter.
Be sure to market your newsletter in all your posts on your blog and create the best high-value content possible so that you retain your subscribers and open it up to gain new ones as frequently as possible.
Social Communities
When you want to start a marketing campaign for your blog, you want to build a community. Social media is best for that, but not for promoting your blog.
You’re probably wondering why use social media if it won’t be as helpful for promoting your blog links, right? The reason is the community and reputation gains you can get from it. Use social media to build up your name, expertise, and reputation.
90% of your content on social media should be native content. This means the content is uploaded to the social platform, not external links to your blog content. 10% of your posts can be external links. But the main goal is to build a following, and then getting them to your content will be extremely easy after that because they’ll seek your stuff out.
Focus on social media platforms where your audience has already established themselves. Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to create a community on every platform.
Guest Blog, Guest Speak
If you can contribute to something as a guest, try to go for it as much as you can to help grow your audience.
Guest blogging and podcasting are some of the best ways to do this. But you need to make sure that you write excellent guest blog posts and do awesome podcast interviews. Most of the time, you must contact other blogs and podcasters to request these gigs. If you get rejected, move on, and keep trying.
Write a guest blog post like you’re writing a post for your own blog. Don’t focus on promoting yourself or your blog when writing it. Most blogs are going to give you a link spot in your bio. It might have the “No Follow” attribute attached to it, too. And that’s okay because you’re doing it for an audience, not a backlink. The same applies to podcast interviews.
Try to get as many guest blog posts and interviews as much as possible. The more of these you have, the more people will know who you are and your blog.
Reply to Everyone
Reply to everyone in your community to start getting more attention.
Reply to every comment made on your blog. Reply to every comment made on your social media posts. Make great replies that keep the conversation going. Try to remember people and thank them for visiting a second time and beyond. Befriend the people who keep coming back, which will keep them returning.
And get away from your blog and social media and go to other blogs and pages related to your niche or industry. Make great noticeable comments on the blogs and pages. Be seen as an expert on them. Be helpful. Be friendly. These are your potential future followers and subscribers. Treat them as such.
The more social you are, the more likely people will want to follow you and read more of what you have to say about your blog.
Fast Blog Strategy 3 – Profit and Business Phase (3 to 4 Months)
The final phase of your fast blog strategy will cover earning a profit and turning your blog into a business. If you keep up with the strategy, you can be successful enough to blog full-time. You could even hire employees and turn your blog into a great business.
Paid Online Community
Creating a paid online community is one of the best ways to make money with your blog.
This will happen after you’ve developed yourself as an expert with your highly value-packed content and your marketing efforts from the first and second phases. You need to be able to offer content, courses, and benefits worth paying for the membership.
You can use a variety of different platforms for your community. You can add an add-on to your blog, such as Member Press or an alternative. You could use forum add-ons or a platform like XenForo or Circle. You could also use a service such as Patreon or Substack.
You just need to ensure your online community is worth enough to pay for membership. Many online communities charge hundreds of dollars annually for membership but have plenty of benefits to back up the amount they cost.
Create a Product or Service
The next step in making money with your fast blog strategy is creating a product or service related to your niche.
The product or service you create should be digital for the best results. It really depends on what your niche is. What kind of service could you offer? For example, on this blog, I could offer a blog review service and charge bloggers for a highly detailed review to tell them what they’re doing right and what they’re doing wrong. For a cooking blog, you could offer an e-Cookbook with secret recipes. For a writing blog, you could offer a service that edits literature.
The opportunities are endless if you study your niche’s needs and wants, do your research, be creative, and put the effort in to develop your product or service.
Budget for Advertising
Now that you’re focusing on making money, you should also spend money to make even more money.
Advertising is a great way to make money. You spend money on ads to make more money than you spend. Ads should be for things that will make money in return. The call-to-action should have a mechanism to get people who click the ads to pay for something else.
Buying ads just to gain traffic to a blog with no profit mechanism is always a bad idea. You’ll not get that money back, and there are plenty of free methods of getting traffic.
You should always try to have a goal that results in profit over ad costs.
Hire a Writer and Expand
The next step of your fast blog strategy is to expand your business by hiring an employee.
Hire your first writer to help you expand the blog and publish more content. As you grow, you can hire even more writers and get to a point where you write less and focus more on the business side of your blog. But you can always keep writing as you are if you want to. I know I would.
As your blog business grows, you can hire a vice president, CFO, community manager, HR manager, marketing positions, salespeople, and more. If you work hard enough, you might be able to buy real estate and have a physical business location. However, virtual offices are the way to go these days.
As you pass over the year, you’ve worked hard to get your blog where it is, be sure to keep expansion in mind as you continue, and don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things.
And that sums up how to implement a fast blog strategy to get your blog highly trafficked and profitable in a year or less. Now it’s your turn to turn the advice above into a reality by practicing it. Once you do, the successful efforts will start showing with your work. If you enjoyed this article and you want to see more, follow me on Twitter. Subscribe to me on my Substack for even more goodies that you won’t find on this blog.
About the Author
Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.
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