33 Tips for Find Time to Blog for Busy Bloggers
How do you find time to blog these days?
If you’re like me, you probably have a ton of things to do each day. Maybe you have young kids or teenagers that require your constant attention. Maybe you have a day job that takes up most of your time. Maybe you’re in school. The maybes are endless.
But don’t give up. I haven’t. I’ve just focused on ways to effectively find time to blog without sacrificing anything else. Instead of looking at things to quit doing, I started looking at things to improve my time management for blogging.
Because we all know you have to be a consistent blogger in order to be a successful blogger.
So, let me help you out here. I’ve gone ahead and created a list of things I do to help find time to blog without quitting other things that I still love to do.
Important Tips for Find Time to Blog
The following tips will help you find time to blog. These tips are based on my techniques as well as the techniques of others in the blogging community. If you have additional methods of finding more time to blog, please comment on this post and let us know what they are.
1 – Set Life Priorities
The first thing you need to do is set your life priorities.
This means what you want to accomplish in your life without blogging in mind.
For example, I want to make sure every weekend that I hike, bike, kayak, or do some sort of outdoor recreation activity. That’s because it’s therapy for me. That’s how I maintain a healthy mental health.
So, make sure you set these priorities first so that you can work with them as you look to find time to blog.
2 – Set Blogging Priorities
After you’ve set your life priorities, you want to set your blog priorities.
This is where you need to be realistic based on what you’re doing in life and how much time you actually have.
I set my priorities to post one blog post a week with the intention of eventually getting to post three times a week. I’ll work my way up to three times. But it sets a priority for my blogging mission and allows me to keep that in mind to continue to improve my time management.
You just need to make sure you have focused on life priorities before blogging. Otherwise, they will eventually conflict negatively.
3 – Set Realistic Blogging Timelines
Timelines help you achieve your blogging goals as long as they are set to realistic measurements.
Too many new bloggers want everything really fast. The internet is way too big for anything to be accomplished overnight. Once you figure that out and accept it, then you can establish a realistic timeline to meet your blogging goals.
I do a three-year, three-phased strategy. The first year is all about creating content. The second year focuses on marketing. The third year is for profit earning. This has been extremely effective for me.
Set realistic expectations of your blogging in order to be successful as a result.
4 – Try to Remain Consistent
Consistency is often more important than content.
Don’t get me wrong, valuable content is important, and you have to create the best you can create. However, content frequency doesn’t exactly outweigh content consistency.
I post one really good post each week. I consistently post it each week. Eventually, I’ll consistently post two a week and then three a week, but not until I know I can do it each week.
The moment you lose your consistency is the moment your blog starts to fall downhill quickly.
5 – Set Dates for Writing Posts
Give yourself a deadline for content creation to find time to blog.
Create a content calendar. Put due dates on each of the content ideas. Then make sure you meet those dates. Treat it like it’s your job and the only way you can earn money.
My due date is always on Tuesdays at 3:00 PM. That gives me plenty of time to edit and schedule my post to publish the next morning. The goal is to have it done the day before then, but I still like to set a due date to work with since stuff happens.
Setting a due date for content creation develops discipline, which is a great trait to have as a blogger.
6 – Try to Develop a Writing Habit
Healthy habits are important for time management in blogging.
Writing is something that you should turn into a healthy habit. If you write habitually, it will get a lot easier to find time to blog. This is because writing will come naturally to you, like brushing your teeth every morning.
I’ve made writing such a habit that I’ll start thinking about it if I’ve done it. It almost feels like being a smoker and needing a cigarette. I’ve made it into a habit enough to realize quickly when I’ve not written anything for the day.
Making a habit out of writing will be one of your most significant methods of time management for blogging but it requires you to consistently write every day.
Tips for Time Management for Blogging
Time management is important for blogging. If you want to find time to blog, you need to be able to manage the time you have.
7 – Batch Writing When You’re in a Writing Mood
If you’re in a writing mood, focus on writing as much as you can.
We call this batching in the blog world. That’s where you write more than one blog post at a time. If you have the time and are inspired to write, you can get a lot of content out when you focus on it.
I can usually write around three or four 1,500+ word articles in one day if I’m focused and in the mood to do a lot of writing.
It’s not likely going to happen a lot, but when it does, try to take advantage of the situation.
8 – Generate Ideas for Editorial Calendars at Scale
If you don’t have an editorial or content calendar, you need to create one.
After you create your calendar, you need to generate new ideas to blog about. Try to generate these ideas at scale. That means generating as many ideas as possible. Scale it to a point where you shouldn’t be running out of ideas for a long time.
I try to add five new ideas to my calendar for every one idea I mark off the list after writing the blog post. This keeps my calendar full of content ideas and prevents writer’s block.
The moment you can’t think of anything to write about is the moment your blog will start to fail.
9 – Break Down Big Writing Jobs into Little Jobs
Sometimes, the best thing to do to find time to blog is to break down larger goals into smaller goals.
Writing is at the top of your goal list. If you have a big blog post due at a certain point, start focusing on writing sections at a time rather than the whole post.
Typically, my weekly articles are roughly 5,000 to 15,000 words in length. That requires a lot of writing. I try to focus on sections at a time for around five days through the week to work on getting the blog written, edited, and published. I find it easier than focusing on writing the whole thing in a certain amount of time.
Breaking down larger writing goals into smaller writing goals will often remove most feelings of being overwhelmed and rushed.
10 – Publish Less When Overwhelmed
Being overwhelmed is a bad situation in terms of time management and blogging.
When you’re overwhelmed, you’re stressed. When you’re stressed, you tend to rush things. Rushing things leaves out important parts and causes you to make mistakes without realizing it. Avoiding blog activities when overwhelmed is going to be ideal.
I’m a veteran of blogging, but I still get overwhelmed from time to time. When I do, I pause my writing and then go try to focus on something I enjoy doing, like hiking or biking. I take some me time and focus on a healthy activity. Usually, after that, I’m stress-free and ready to return to blogging.
Don’t stress yourself out in order to create blog content.
11 – Don’t Edit While You Write
Writing and editing don’t go hand in hand.
Editing is almost as important as writing. It almost takes as long as writing. Editing should never be done while you’re trying to write a blog post. It will throw you off and stop you from meeting your writing goals. Wait until you have finished writing your blog post before you start editing it.
I’ll typically write my blog post first, which usually takes a few days. Then, I’ll open Grammarly and start making my edits. Each time I edit a section, I read it out loud to make sure it makes sense. Then, I move on to the next section.
Writing and editing are two different processes of blogging that should be done separately.
12 – Automate Your Editing Process
If you can, automate your editing process.
You need to find time to blog, but then you also have to find time to edit too. That can be difficult if you don’t have a lot of time. So, if you can automate the editing process, why not give it a try?
I use Grammarly to automate my editing process. It uses AI technology and has allowed me to speed up my editing process by more than 75%. It used to take me hours to edit a 5,000-word blog post. With Grammarly, it takes me about 20 minutes.
Your tool might be the same as mine, but if you can find a way to automate the editing process, you should.
13 – Use Blogging Formats and Templates
Blogging formats and templates are a great way to have better time management for blogging.
If you start to blog based on a template, then you have a direction to write with. It’s easier to write based on a format or template than to write something where you start from scratch.
Take this article, for example; it’s a listicle. I had it planned in this listicle format before I started writing it. I was able to write it all in one day because of that format choice.
Whether you use a listicle, how-to, or other format, try using them often to help you find more time to create blog content.
14 – Develop a Blogging Routine
Try to develop a blogging routine if you can.
It’s better to develop a routine that you can do on a daily basis. It might include writing, editing, replying to comments, promoting on social media, and just spending some time on your blog.
I try to write every day and save editing for the day after I’ve completed a blog. I check my comments every day and that allows me to also check the overall health of the blog. And I post on social media daily, too.
As I’ve stated before, doing this can help turn a routine into a habit, which will positively impact your ability to find time to blog.
15 – Focus on Research First
If you need to research your blog topic, focus on that before you start writing.
Your blog post needs to be high-quality and valuable. Research is often the way to ensure that content is good. You don’t want to research while you write because it’ll look scripted, and you might make mistakes because you’re doing so many things at once.
I’ll usually try to spend a whole day researching my idea and the keyword I want to use. I definitely take advantage of SEO tools to speed the process up. But I try to give myself an intelligence report about the idea before I write about it.
Find time to blog in this order: Research, write, edit, and then publish.
16 – Update Old Content as an Alternative
If you’re just not in a new content creation mood, why not focus on existing content instead?
Old content should be updated if possible. Try to keep your existing content as evergreen as you can.
You can edit the post to make modifications that keep the content up to date. Then, you can republish/re-promote the post to your audience.
This is a good way to keep your blog active when you’re just not in the mood to write new content.
17 – Create Outlines First
By creating an outline, you have structured content to start inputting into your post.
An outline consists of your working blog title (which could change) and different sections/sub-sections of your blog post. By creating an outline first, you enable yourself to have a sectional way of filling in the blanks.
Personally, I find creating outlines makes blogging easier. I’ll create my outline in sections. Then, I’ll usually break up sections into sub-sections. I put bullet points in of topics I wish to talk about. Then, when I go to write, it becomes a much easier task than writing from scratch.
An outline is basically a way for you to plan your blog content before you write it.
18 – Automate Outline Creation with ChatGPT
Use an AI to create your outline for you when you’re out of ideas.
If you can automate some tasks of writing, you should. You should never automate the entire process of writing since you need to be a writer to blog properly. However, some things can be automated to make the main process of writing simpler.
When I’m out of ideas for an outline, I’ll typically ask ChatGPT to create one for me. I’ll usually end up adding to or removing some entries but overall, the outline generated works out well.
ChatGPT is the tool I use. You might find better luck using a different AI tool.
19 – Learn the Art of Scheduling Content
If you’re not writing in bulk and scheduling content, you’re doing it wrong.
Most blogging platforms should have a content scheduling feature. This is where you can add your blog post and then set a date and time for it to become public. You should use that feature often. Create content in bulk or at scale and schedule it to post. This will keep you ahead of the game.
I will usually try to have my content scheduled for the next blog post day and work on the post to be scheduled after that. I never publish on the day anymore, and it ensures that I’m always ahead just in case something happens and I can’t get to my blog.
Create content before you need to publish it. Schedule it to publish. Then, start working on your next posts.
20 – Use a Talk to Text Program
If you can’t find time to blog, maybe it’s the writing aspects that are your problem.
It’s 2023, and technology is a lot better than it was twenty years ago when I first started blogging. You can get a program where you can talk to create a worded document. A lot of business professionals use this method. If you get the best software, you’ll typically get better results.
But this depends on many factors. I’m from an area where our accents are akin to the southern United States. We’re rural, and we use a lot of slang. Most talk-to-text programs are difficult for me to use because of the way they interpret what I say. You definitely have to shop around at times.
Just don’t let this replace every aspect of your writing because you need to continue to become a better writer in the process of your ability to find time to blog.
21 – Write Early in the Morning
Maybe you need to write earlier in the day.
When you first wake up, you have nothing going on but starting your day. If you wake up an hour or two earlier in the day, you can focus on your blog. Your mind will be fresh, and you’ll be able to concentrate better.
I find that I can focus more on writing early in the morning because I’m not all excited because of everything I’ve done throughout the day.
Early morning writing sessions might be your best way to go.
22 – Write During Your Lunch
If you work a full time job or you take lunches throughout the day, take advantage of writing during those periods.
If you can eat where you write, this tends to be a very effective way of writing. You can eat while you write. If you get done eating sooner and still have time left on your lunch break, you can dedicate the rest of it to writing for your blog.
I used to get two 30-minute breaks and a one-hour lunch break at my old office job. I’d write throughout all of them and typically get half of my posts written that day. I still gave myself plenty of time to eat, get up and stretch, and walk around a bit, too.
Writing during your breaks is an effective method of improving your ability to find time to blog.
23 – Write without Internet and Phone
Turn your phone off. Turn your internet off. These distractions are likely keeping you from being a successful blogger.
If you find yourself getting on your phone a lot or accessing the internet while trying to create content for your blog, then those devices are likely the main cause of you not having time to write. It’s really easy to get distracted with all the technology of today.
I will usually put my phone on charge and away from my sight when I’m writing. I write on my desktop computer. I close all my internet tabs and silence anything that could take my attention away. It’s been one of the best ways to increase my ability to find time to blog.
Turn off distractions so you can focus on what matters the most for you right now.
24 – Write Late at Night
You might also try writing late at night if you can’t write in the morning.
Not everyone has the luxury of waking up two hours earlier to write. Sometimes you have to write at night instead. And that’s fine. Do it a few hours before bed so you can write and wind yourself down.
Writing before bed actually helps me sleep. It lets my dinner digest, and I’ll drink a mug of hot tea to help calm me down for the incoming bedtime. I can usually get a lot of writing done, too.
Writing at night might improve your blogging while also improving your sleep.
25 – Accept Guest Blogging
Do other bloggers ever contact you and ask to write for your blog?
If they do, consider accepting their request. By publishing articles from other people, you can find time to blog and write more articles because your consistency is being met by third-party content.
But don’t just accept any guest contribution. I get requests on a daily basis and most of it is spam. Create an editorial policy and refer all guest contributors to read and abide by the policy before you can accept their posts. If they can do that, it’s a nice way to get more content for your blog.
If you get enough requests, you might be able to increase your posting frequency, too.
26 – Hire Freelance Writers
If you have a budget, you can always hire writers to help put content on your blog while you focus on writing.
Freelance writing is always an option. You can usually get really good articles for around $50 to $200 per article. You’ll need to find a reliable writer with social proof. You need to see previous work they have done. Most of your better writers will have a higher price, but it might be worth it if you have the budget.
I’m a freelance writer myself. I charge $150 for articles with 1,500 words or less. I charge $200 for articles over 1,500 words. I feel like that is a standard price. It’s what I would pay for articles if I chose that route. Most of the time, articles under $100 are going to be of a very generic quality and written by AI, which isn’t good for your blog.
While freelance article services are good, I do recommend that you don’t rely on them. You need to be writing, too.
Tips for Personal Priorities for Blogging
Another way to find time to blog is to set personal priorities for your blogging activities. At the end of the day, your blogging efforts will boil down to how much dedication you voluntarily put into it.
27 – Figure Out Where and How You Write Best
Keep track of every time you write for your blog.
Try to find out where you blog your best and how you blog your best. It might be different times, different locations, and when you’re in different moods. These factors can greatly help you find time to blog.
Myself, I write the most when I’m at home and alone. I have no distractions and can zone out and get deep into my writing. So, I take advantage of those moments and use them to add to my blog content.
We’re all different, and it’s important to analyze ourselves when possible.
28 – Write When You Feel Like It
Do you feel like writing today?
No? Then don’t write. Yes? Then, start writing. You should write when you feel like writing. If you don’t feel like writing and you force yourself to write, it’s probably not going to be your best work. When blogging, your content needs to be at its best.
I’m a seasoned writer. I love writing. It’s a habit. But I can’t write on command. If I’m not in the mood, I’ll do everything I can to stop myself from committing to writing. And that’s when I know to stop and take a break; otherwise, I’ll write pure garbage.
You’re going to write your best when you feel like writing.
29 – Join a Blogging Support Community
Sometimes, we just need some good old-fashioned peer-to-peer support.
The blogging community isn’t as competitive as people make it out to be. Bloggers love helping other bloggers. If you can find time to connect with a helpful blogging community, you’ll definitely find time to blog after getting support from your blogging peers.
I have a free online community dedicated to bloggers helping bloggers. It’s called the Blogging Collective, and no matter how big or small your blog is, I’d love it if you joined. Let’s support each other.
And be sure to help your fellow blogger out, too. Don’t just ask for help, and never expect to return the favor. It’s a community effort, after all.
30 – Try to Write on a Daily Basis
As I’ve mentioned above, try to make writing a habit. You can accomplish that by writing on a daily basis.
If you can, reserve an hour or two (or less if you have to) each day to focus on writing. Break larger writing tasks into smaller tasks so that you don’t feel overwhelmed each day. If your focus is to write a 1,500-word article, maybe have a goal each day of writing 500 words. In three days, you’ll have written your article.
I blame my daily writing habit on my commitment to writing every day. I even challenged myself to blog every day for quite a while. That helped me establish a daily writing habit.
But if you can’t write every day, it’s okay. It happens to us all, even me. Just focus on writing the days that you can get some writing done.
31 – Make Yourself Comfortable Before You Write
The more comfortable you are, the better you will be able to write.
If you try to write when you’re uncomfortable, your discomfort will be all you think about. If you’re focusing on something negatively impacting you and trying to write, you’re probably going to write poorly.
Before I write, I make sure I use the restroom, eat, wash my hands and face, and feel comfortable in my writing area. I want to be able to focus on my writing and not on the problems I’m facing.
It’s healthier to write when you’re feeling your best.
32 – Exercise and Meditate as a Writer
You need to maintain physical and mental health as a writer.
Find your best form of physical exercise and habitually start doing it as a routine. You should also find something that helps you control your mental health, like meditation or yoga. You must take care of your body and mind as a writer.
I like going hiking and cycling every weekend. That’s my form of both physical and mental health stabilization. I’ve not missed a weekend in over five years. Needless to say, I don’t have too many writing issues, either.
You must take care of yourself if you want to be successful at anything, including blogging.
33 – Try a 30-Day Writing Challenge for Learning Purposes
And my last tip for you to find time to blog is to challenge yourself with a task.
I challenge you to write (and publish) every day for thirty days straight. It’s the 30-day blogging challenge. Do this for the learning experience. If you fail, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, learn from your failure because failure is going to be one of your best blogging teachers.
I once set out to blog for thirty days straight on two blogs. I ended up doing it for 110 days straight on both blogs. It was a challenge, for sure. But I learned a lot from it. The biggest benefit was realizing that writing one post a week is simple compared to one every day.
If you want to challenge yourself, just remember it’s a learning experience, and it’s okay to fail because there is always tomorrow.
Final Thoughts About How To Find Time to Blog
It can be a challenge to find time to blog. But it’s nowhere even near impossible. It’s definitely important to remain consistent as a blogger, so finding the time needed to blog is essential. Using the many tips above will help make blogging way easier. If you’ve enjoyed this article, please share it with other bloggers to help support me in writing it. Be sure to join my free online community at the Blogging Collective to get more blogging help, and follow me on X for daily blogging advice.
About the Author
Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.
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