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41 Effective Ways on how to Grow Your Blog

Do you want to know how to grow your blog effectively?

It isn’t easy to grow a blog because it takes time and effort to do it. However, with the right tools and knowledge, it gets easier to do the work to grow the blog.

Growing your blog will not only result in more readers. It also results in more profit, more ways to make money, more newsletter subscribers, more lead generation, and more reputation for your blog to become an authority in your niche market.

In this article, I’m going to give you 41 different ways to grow your blog that are still effective in today’s highly competitive blogging infrastructure.

How Important is it to Grow Your Blog?

It’s really important to grow your blog for many different reasons.

If you want to make money with your blog, you’ll need to grow your readership. It takes a large audience in order to make money. This is whether it’s ads, affiliate marketing, or you sell an actual product or service with your blog.

If you want to become a top blog in your niche, you’ll need to grow your audience. The more people in your niche know about you, the more leverage you will get in your community. In order to become an authority, you have to have a growing audience.

If you want your content to actually read, you have to grow your blog and audience.

It’s so important to grow your audience that you have to do that first before you can do most of the other important things in blogging, like making money, growing your expertise, and becoming a top blog in your niche.

How to Grow Your Blog

Grow Your Blog with These Effective Methods

The following methods will help you grow your blog effectively if you put in the time for each one. Use them all or use a few, but most of all, use the ones that work best for you and your blog.


1: Grow Your Blog with Guest Blogging

Grow your blog by guest posting on other blogs.

Guest blogging has been around for ages and has always been a great way to grow a blog.

This is one of the best ways to get more readers, build your expertise in your niche, and get backlinks to help with your search engine optimization.

Find reputable blogs in your niche, pitch a topic, create an awesome post, and most of all, don’t give up if you’re rejected – keep trying.


2: Create Data-Driven Content on Your Blog

Create data-driven content on your blog if you want more readers.

People are always looking for facts, statistics, and data-driven proof about a specific topic in every niche.

You can provide this to them, and you will not only get readers, but you could get amazing backlinks from educational and government institutions because of your factual content.

Find an important topic in your niche, research it well, and create a very long-form, data-driven article that is free of bias and opinions—just the facts.


3: Update Old Content to Grow Your Blog

You can grow your blog with the content you’ve already previously posted.

Many bloggers let their old content die off, and they miss many opportunities by allowing it to fade away.

Your old content can be updated to remain evergreen, and you can continue to promote it to build your position in the niche on search engines and to get more readers.

Start updating content after it turns a year old. You might need to make minor edits or major edits. Make sure you show how it was updated and then re-promote it.


4: Grow Your Blog on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great way to grow a blog with little effort.

LinkedIn is full of business and professional creators, and a blog can easily be identified as a business.

LinkedIn can help you build a reputation as a business owner and authority in your niche, as well as gain you more loyal followers and potential leads.

Post daily (native content), connect with others in your niche, message followers, and develop a professional relationship with them. Promote your blog content on the platform.


5: Grow Your Blog on Facebook

Facebook is a great way to grow your blog because your niche audience is all over it.

Facebook is truly the social network of all social networks when it comes to niche and audience-based marketing.

This is because of all the social groups and pages on Facebook. You can find multiple areas on the giant social network where your audience is, and you can easily promote yourself to them.

Create a Facebook page for your blog and post native content daily. Engage with people on your page and off your page, such as related pages and groups within your niche.


6: Grow Your Blog on X

X (formerly known as Twitter) is a good platform for growing a blog.

Since Elon Musk acquired Twitter and turned it into X, much has changed to improve the platform for creators.

I see more posts from creators than I ever have before, and content is relevant once you start following those who matter the most. It’s a quick way to grow a reputation because of the small amount of character you use on the platform.

Upgrade to the blue checkmark and start posting a few times a day consistently. Engage with others and related profiles. Make interesting threads. Do live spaces. Participate in communities. Be active!


7: Grow Your Blog on Instagram

Instagram provides unique opportunities to grow your blog.

All the features of Instagram can help you with blog growth if you consistently use them in the right way.

And Instagram understands how important the creator economy is so much that it’s constantly improving it. It’s a platform worth investing time in.

Create a profile for your blog. Post Reels and photo posts daily. Use stories. Go live. Engage with related profiles and their followers consistently.


8: Grow Your Blog on Pinterest

Pinterest has been one of the best platforms to use for growing a blog.

At one time, Pinterest focused mainly on Mommy and Food Blogs, but now, every blog niche can join the party.

Pinterest is investing in its niche economy, and more creators are taking advantage of the readership boosts that the platform can give them.

Create a profile and upload pins daily, but most of all, make sure you’re engaging with content from other pages related to your blog niche.


9: Use YouTube to Grow Your Blog

YouTube is the king of social media when it comes to growing your blog.

Google owns YouTube. Google is the number one search engine. YouTube is the second biggest search engine.

YouTube, especially YouTube Shorts, can get you thousands of views in less than a day if you create your content the right way.

Create a channel for your blog, consistently post a few times a week, use the Shorts and Community features, go live when you can, and make sure you engage daily on related channels and Shorts.


10: Get More Blog Readers with a Newsletter

If you don’t have a newsletter, you’re missing out on a lot of blog readers.

A newsletter is a direct line to your readers that social media or Google can’t interfere with using their algorithms.

Your newsletter is just as important as your blog. You can use it to get readers to return and to make money with your blog.

Create a newsletter with Mail Chimp or Convert Kit, start promoting it in your blog content, and start sending out exclusive content and resources on a weekly basis as soon as you gain some subscribers.


11: Collaborate with other Bloggers

Competition is a great way to grow your blog.

Other blogs in your niche might be competitors, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t work with them to improve your own blog.

Collaborations between different bloggers are great for sharing traffic, networking, building significant relationships, and gaining authority in your niche industry.

Start contacting other blogs in your niche. Pitch collaboration ideas to them, whether it’s podcasting, expert advice sharing, guest blogging, or other collaborations.


12: Engage at Scale on Your Blog and Elsewhere

Engagement might be one of the best ways to boost blog growth.

Content is king, but engagement is the kingdom that holds it all together.

Engagement will show others that you’re active in your niche, always willing to help and that you have content they should also check out.

Reply to every comment made on your blog and keep the discussion going. Visit other blogs, social media, forums, question sites, and communities in your niche and engage on a daily basis under the brand of your blog name.


13: Cover New and Exciting Blog Topics

Try to be unique with your content if you truly want to grow your blog.

People in your niche are always looking for the next big thing to read about, and you should provide them with that.

Many bloggers simply copy their competition and cover the same topics because they want to outrank their content, but this usually bores readers because it’s content already covered.

Create content that is not being talked about anywhere else in the niche, but ensure that it is about topics that are really interesting in the niche and fulfill the needs and wants of your readers.


14: Grow Your Blog with Podcasts

Podcasting used to be a thing of the past until the past few years, especially after the pandemic.

Conducting a podcast about your niche can attract both new and returning readers to your blog.

Podcasting is also easy to find interviewees for because it’s a good way to build up authority and backlinks within a niche market.

Start a podcast and do one show every two weeks or once a month. Try to have a good topic or interview someone. Promote your blog on the show and in the show notes. Promote your podcast on your blog.


15: Do Public Speaking and Webinars for Your Blog

Public speaking is a great way to grow your blog, but you often forget about it.

After the pandemic, a lot of people forgot about public speaking but now it’s making a comeback.

Public speaking can help you network with others, meet followers in real life, and find new readers for your blog. It also helps you build authority and reputation in your niche market.

Start looking for local events and request to be a speaker. You can also speak on webinars. If they want to pay you, request a reasonable rate and increase it over time.


16: Post more Listicles and How-To Blog Posts

If you want more blog readers, blog in formats that are appealing to people.

Google search any keyword. The majority of the search results will be listicles (top 10, 22 ways to, etc.) and how-to guides.

People use search engines to find multiple options (listicles) and learn how to do things (how-to guides), which makes these formats the best.

Get in the habit of creating all your blog content as a listicle, how-to, or guide. Sometimes, you can create a listicle and a how-to guide on the same post.


17: Stay Consistent and Schedule Blog Content

Consistency is required if you wish to grow your blog.

Consistency isn’t about how many times you post; it’s about keeping to your schedule the amount you have decided to post.

If you post two times a week, consistency means sticking to a schedule so that your audience knows when to expect new content. It builds trust and loyalty with your readers.

Choose a frequency that is comfortable for you. Create content ahead of time and schedule it to post consistently. Keep creating new content to always stay ahead.


18: Post More to Grow Your Blog

The more content you post, the more likely your blog will grow.

This doesn’t just apply to your blog, either. You need to post more on your blog, on social media, and within engagement communities where your audience is to keep growing your reputation.

The more content you post, the easier it will be for your niche audience to find you and your content. However, posting more can be a challenge.

If you decide to post more on your blog and social media, take advantage of content batching. In this method, you create a bunch of content at once and then use a tool to schedule it so that you can stay ahead while scaling your content distribution.


19: Only Write the Best Blog Content

If you want to seriously grow your blog, you have to up your content game.

There is a lot of competition in your niche in most circumstances, and that means that it can be a challenge to rank with the competition or beat it.

In order to compete, your content needs to be not only as good as theirs but also better and provide more information.

Find and read the top content about your niche on search engines. Make sure your post covers that same content in your own words. Fill in the gaps that they left out, add bonuses, and give away something for free in each post to make it even better.


20: Create Evergreen and Trending Blog Content

There are two types of content on blogs – evergreen and trending.

Evergreen content is blog posts that never die off. It’s content that can be consumed no matter how old it is.

Trending content is current trends and content that essentially expire at some point and become useless.

Post about 90% evergreen content and keep it updated as it ages. The other 10% should be trending content because those trends matter as well.


21: Grow Your Blog with Length

You might be surprised that long-form content still works for blogs.

You see everywhere that short-form content is king. It’s easier to read on a phone and easy to consume.

But long-form content still has a place on the internet and most top search results are well over 3K words in length.

Your blog posts should be at least 1,500 words in length. It’s better to have around 3K words or more. Posts with 10K or more words tend to do better in search results. Just don’t add a bunch of fluff to get the length bigger.


22: Blog Grammar and Readability

Sloppy articles will not help you grow your blog.

Grammar and readability are important topics when it comes to publishing written content online.

Your content isn’t going to be perfect, but it should be as close to perfect as possible.

Editing can take up a lot of time. I recommend using a service like Grammarly to help with typos, grammar, and readability corrections. It speeds up the process tremendously.


23: Blog Search Engine Optimization

If you want more readers, your blog needs to be on page one of search engine results.

This can be accomplished with Search Engine Optimization or SEO.

SEO is where you research keywords and then define them in your content to help position yourself on higher ranking search results on Google and other search engines, but mainly Google.

Consider using a tool like SEM Rush or Ahrefs to research keywords. Then, use Yoast SEO on your WordPress blog to audit your SEO performance and make changes as suggested.


24: Faster Blog Loading and a Simple User Experience

A fast-loading blog that’s easy to use is essential if you want to grow your blog.

Interest users are all about speed. If your blog doesn’t fully load in less than 3 seconds, it’s too slow, and it will hurt your growth.

The user experience also matters, and if your blog is too difficult to use, potential readers will likely not become readers.

Make sure you choose a fast and reputable hosting service, use smaller file sizes for images and media, and make your blog simple and easy to use – a unique design isn’t always the best choice.


25: Provide what your Blog Competition Doesn’t

Spy on your blog competition on a regular basis.

Blog growth will happen if you can provide the next best thing that no one else is providing.

You need to create content that meets the needs and wants of your audience that other blogs in your niche are not providing.

Check on the top competitors daily. Post content that they are lacking. Instead of copying off your competitors, be the blog that everyone else copies from, and they will.


26: Master Blog Copywriting and Storytelling

If you want to grow your blog, you need to learn copywriting and storytelling.

Copywriting is the art of tapping into the emotions and psychology of readers and buyers to get them to take action on your call to action.

Storytelling is when you capture the attention of your readers and tell a story with your blog content that they can relate to.

You need to learn copywriting and storytelling and combine the two into your blog content. Research AIDA which is what I’m using on this post.


27: Offer Blog Bonuses and Lead Magnets Frequently

The more stuff you give away to your audience, the more readers you will gain.

Everything is so expensive these days because everything is expensive to make.

Content is not expensive to make. You can make a lot of money with content even by giving it away for free.

Create ultimate guides, templates, and eBooks about your niche market and give them away to subscribers to your newsletter, members of your online community, and readers of your blog posts.


28: Grow Your Blog with Social Proof

You can grow your blog with proof that you know what you’re talking about.

This proof is called social proof.

Social proof is when you create a process or system that other people are using, and the results end with success.

Create a process to success within your niche. Promote it constantly on your blog to get others to participate. As they succeed, blog about their success to give you social proof.


29: Be Personal and Real with Your Blog Audience

Blog growth only happens when you’re being the real you.

Many new bloggers try to create internet personas that aren’t who they are in reality.

Internet personas are fake and not easy to keep up with unless you’re an experienced actor or actress.

Instead of being fake (and a liar at that), be yourself and be true to what you believe in—that’s what your audience wants. You should also be personal with your tone by posting as if you are talking to a reader one-on-one.


30: Build a Community to Grow Your Blog

Grow your blog by building a community of loyal supporters.

A blog reader is just a reader starting, but the more they come to know you and your content, the more loyal they become.

The more time and energy you invest in building relationships with your readers, the more of a community you will create around your blog.

You create a community by engaging with your readers and encouraging them to comment and contact you. Then, you start developing relationships and writing the content they ask for.


31: Listen to the Needs and Wants of your Blog Audience

This might be the most important tip you can get out of this entire article.

The needs and wants of your readers being fulfilled will ultimately bring you to the very top of your blog niche.

Most bloggers fail at this because they don’t do the proper research, and they chase topics that are easy to grab and write about.

If you want to win this strategy, take time to research and listen to your target audience. Determine their biggest challenges and questions in your niche. Create easy solutions and answers and then turn them into extremely helpful blog posts.


32: Develop Your Blog Brand Everywhere and Consistently

You need to create a brand for your blog and stick with it everywhere you are.

People in your niche should be able to recognize you anywhere they go where you are present, like your blog, other blogs, podcasts, and especially social media.

This can be accomplished by developing a consistent brand.

Brand your blog by using the same profile images/logs, tone of voice, colors, and content formats. Be easily recognizable by others within your niche, but make sure you stand out, too.


33: Keep New and Old Blog Readers Coming Back

In order to effectively grow your blog, you want new and returning readers to visit.

New readers will keep your blog growing because you are tapping into new people who were not previously following your content.

Returning readers will keep your growth steady, develop loyalty, and be easier to convert into paying customers because there is a trust factor present.

You can acquire both new and returning readers by listening to their needs and wants and consistently fulfilling them.


34: Promote Where Your Blog Readers Are

You need to be EVERYWHERE where your niche is at.

Some bloggers refuse to use social media, and because of that, they miss out on significant blog readership growth and customer conversion.

You should be anywhere your niche is, too, or you’ll miss out on important opportunities that will improve your blog.

Research where your potential readers are both online and offline. Try to present in all of these sources the best you can be. You also need to be active and start developing a positive reputation within these sources.


35: Grow Your Blog with Paid Advertising

Paid advertising can be a great way to grow your blog if you do it right.

Most of the time, I don’t suggest paid advertising unless you have a goal to make the money back with profit. You can still have that as a long-term goal, though.

Doing low-risk paid advertising is always a good way to send more traffic to your blog as long as you are advertising in the right places.

Research where your audience is and then determine their behavior based on ads displayed to them. If you find that they pay attention to those ads, then these are areas where you should pay for paid advertising and marketing.


36: Internally Link Blog Posts and Pages Together

Every post and page on your blog should be promoted on your blog.

Orphan content is content that is created and then never linked up anywhere else on the blog. It’s a bad practice for SEO and blog growth methods.

It’s important to grow every page and post on a blog in order for the blog to be successful as a whole.

Try to link every post and important page you create on your blog to other pages and posts you create, as long as the link to them is relevant and applicable.


37: Make it Easy to Share Blog Content

If people can easily share your content, then you’ll be able to grow your blog faster.

Your content needs to be good enough to share before it becomes easily shareable.

After that, there needs to be highly visible options to share the content.

Make sure every piece of content you publish is the best content you can publish. Then make sure you have social sharing buttons around the content that can easily be seen. Allow sharing on top social media platforms and through email.


38: Grow Your Blog by Experimenting Often

You will not grow your blog if you don’t get out of your comfort zone.

Too many bloggers get comfortable with their methods and quit trying new things. That often results in missed opportunities and follower growth.

Imagine the people who adopted YouTube Shorts from the start. Those very features probably made their careers in video content.

Always research the next big thing and new methods that are less widely used. A/B test them on your blog and use what works. Don’t be afraid to try something new, even if you don’t know much about it. You might tap into what makes your blog readership explode.


39: Treat Your Blog Like a Business

Start treating your blog like the business that it is.

Historically, businesses do better when strategic planning occurs. That’s because they are treated as the businesses they are.

Your blog is a business, whether you want to monetize it or not. Traffic is your payment if you don’t want real money to be the payment.

Treat your blog like a business by using strategic planning, setting realistic goals, and updating your overall plan every 3 to 5 years.


40: Monetize Your Blog to Grow Your Blog

You can grow your blog when you have set a goal to make money with it.

The only way a blog can make money is when it has a fair amount of traffic. The only way to make real money is with a lot of traffic.

If you want to make money with your blog, you will do whatever you can to promote it and gain more readers because that is what it will take to earn a profit.

Create a plan for your blog to start earning money. Choose options that will be easy for you to handle in terms of monetizing your blog. Master your abilities to know what to do to increase the profit from the monetization sources on your blog.


41: Master Blog Analytic and Metric Interpretation

You need to understand what analytics and metric interpretation is if you want to grow your blog.

Analytical data shows the amount of traffic, traffic sources, user behavior, and other important metrics that you will use to make important changes and decisions that will increase your blog’s readership.

Most of this data comes in raw form and is interpreted through charts and graphs within an analytical service such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and social media analytics pages.

Try to research each metric thoroughly to understand what it means, how it gains its data, and how you can modify the metric to favor your blog. After you fully understand a metric, move on to the next until you master analytics.


Final Thoughts on How to Grow Your Blog

You can see that there are many great ways to grow your blog.

All of the work requires you to do something. I won’t say that it’s easy to grow a blog—I’d be lying if I did. However, it gets easier when you know what to do.

The methods mentioned above are still working to this day. They’re evergreen, if you will.

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And finally, make sure you subscribe to my free newsletter for upcoming blogging tips and resources delivered right to your inbox on a weekly basis.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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