Serious Bloggers

Hire Shawn Gossman

I do offer my service for some blogging needs. If you need help, you can hire me for some of your needs.

Hire Me to Help You Decide on a Blog Niche

I can help you decide on what niche you should start a blog in. I’ll research the niche based on the questions I ask you. I’ll make sure there is a market for the niche and a way to profit. Then, I’ll give you a strategy plan to use as part of the service.

Hire Me to Audit Your Blog to Make it Better

You can hire me to check your blog out and tell you what you should do with it. I’ll look at everything. Your content. Your pages. And especially the things you don’t have on your blog that you need to succeed. Then I’ll give you a full report with recommendations, of course.

Hire Me to Help You Decide on a Good Blog Name

I’ll help you come up with a good name for your blog. I’ll make sure a domain name exists for it, too. I’ll focus on emotional marketing, name psychology, copywriting, and marketing to get you the perfect name for your blog.

Hire Me for Full Blog Consulting Services

I’m available to hire by the hour for all your blogging needs. I’ll consult with you and give you advice on anything you need for your blog. This is my full service if you need a personal blogging consultant.

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