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How Often Should You Blog: A Blog Post Frequency Guide

How often should you blog? It’s a question that stumps a lot of new bloggers…

Should you blog once a month? How about once a week? Three times a week? 5 times a week?

Or what about once a day? Or even multiple times a day?

Figuring out how to answer the big question of how often should you blog can be really frustrating. But it doesn’t have to be. In this guide, I’ll show you what the best strategies are based on accurate information that helps make bloggers as big as they are today.

Does it matter how often you should blog?

It does.

The biggest reason is consistency, which is extremely important if you want to make money with your blog or grow it into some kind of business or brand.

Consistency is like a rhythm in which you do something. Posting a blog post one week and then skipping another and then posting a few days later isn’t consistent. It’s chaos.

Posting one new post every other day is consistent as long as you keep that same rhythm. Of course, you can change your consistency if you choose to change how often you blog. You just need to find a way to be consistent about it.

So, it matters how often you should blog for the sake of consistency if you actually want to turn your blog into something more than just a hobby.

How Often Should You Blog

How often should you blog to get started?

So, how often should you blog when you’re first starting out with your blog?

There are multiple answers to this question.

It depends on your goals and objectives for starting your blog.

If you want to get known quickly, then you’ll need to post a lot of content. So, you’ll want to post several times a week to even every day if that is your goal.

If you want to gradually grow, you don’t need to post as much.

The best thing to do would be to write before you publish. This is something I preach to all new bloggers.

Create 10 to 30 articles for your blog, but don’t publish them. Spend some time perfecting them. Edit them the best you can. Make sure they are SEO-friendly, and consider what links you’ll be adding to them. Determine goals for each post you write.

Then, determine how long it takes you to write and edit a post. How long until you can have a post ready for publishing? This will help you decide how often you’ll be able to post. It will also help you decide if you’ll even like the writing aspects of blogging.

And then, you’ll have content to schedule ahead of time based on how often you want to post. This will keep you ahead of schedule.

And if you find that blogging isn’t really for you, it’s fine. There are other ways to grow online. Try short-form content on social media or even video blogging. That might be more your thing. Just don’t give up on it altogether.


How often should you blog to gain more success?

The more you blog, the more people will be able to take notice of you.

If gaining success, fame, and a reputation is your goal in blogging, then you need to consider increasing the amount in which you blog.

Most blogging experts suggest you blog at least three to four times a week if you want more reputation and authority building. But posting that much definitely takes commitment and motivation. If you enjoy writing and have the time, it can work out smoothly. If you lack time, it can be overwhelming.

Posting every day to multiple times a day is another way to gain fame quickly. But you don’t need me to tell you how difficult that might become. If you’re blogging full-time, it might be possible to do it. Otherwise, you’ll want multiple authors to make it happen.

Alternatively, you can post two or fewer articles a week and just focus on making longer and more descriptive posts. These could be posts like case studies or research articles. If you do this right, you might even gain some backlinks to .gov and .edu sites, which are often websites to give you great SEO rankings.

On top of the number of posts you have to post each week to gain more success, you also have to ensure that each post is of great quality and high value.


Should I Blog Every Day?

Blogging every day is a significant accomplishment to achieve in the writing world.

Digital marketing expert Seth Godin has been blogging every day for more than a decade. He has definitely built a following and fanbase. His blog posts range from long posts to posts with just a few sentences.

If you can deliver quality and value in just a few sentences, then that is all you need to do.

I recommend blogging every single day for 30 days as a challenge. The challenge should focus on whether you can do it or not. Try to discipline yourself and make yourself meet daily deadlines. It helps if you write every single day and try to write a few blog posts.

I did this challenge myself, but I wrote two blogs instead of one. I was able to write and publish a post every day for 110 days straight.

Writing and publishing every day is intimidating at first. And it isn’t easy to do for the first few weeks. But once you get used to it, you start to make it habitual. Once it becomes a habit, you naturally write and publish every day. I could have gone on after 110 days, but I decided to slow it down and focus elsewhere.

To keep myself motivated and challenged, I plan to do some more daily blogging challenges in the future. I think that’s a healthy thing to do for most bloggers.

Every day might be how often you should blog if that’s what you want to do, but you have to make sure you’re in it for the right reasons, and you have the right motivation and discipline to achieve it.


How to Avoid Writer’s Block and Remain Consistent?

There’s no worse enemy to a blogger than writer’s block.

Writer’s block will halt your consistency if you let it. It will make you quit writing altogether. Sometimes, it lasts for a day; other times, it can last for months. Sometimes, it can ruin your entire blogging career. And if you’re blogging for profit, that can really hurt.

So, how do you avoid it?

There are a few good ways to avoid getting writer’s block.

First of all, try to have other hobbies outside of just blogging. I like to hike and ride bicycles. I like kayaking. I love to go camping. I like video blogging and watching YouTube videos. I like hanging out with my family. I give myself plenty to do so I’m not always focusing on one thing. Fitness and exercise are great ways to keep your mind clear and avoid any mental conditions that would bring about writer’s block.

Another good way to avoid getting writer’s block is to keep a content calendar and ideas spreadsheet. As long as you have topic ideas to write about, it will be harder for you to block them out. You should try to add a few new ideas to the list every time you remove one that you have completed a blog post about. Your goal is to keep the list long and ongoing.

And finally, write more on the days that you’re inspired to write. I don’t write every day. I typically take a break from writing on the weekends and focus on my outdoor hobbies. But on weekdays that I feel inspired to write, I’ll write most of the day. I might get several blog posts made. That usually gives me a few to schedule ahead of time to keep myself ahead of schedule. This way, if I get out of the writing mood, I’ll be okay with a few scheduled ahead.

In the end, the more you write and the more you enjoy writing, the harder it will be to even get writer’s block to begin with.


Analyze Your Blogging Competition: How Often Do They Post?

Competition is a great way to answer the question of how often should you blog.

Just look at what your competitors are doing.

Your competitors are other blogs that write about the same things as you write about. My competition is blogs that write about blogging topics.

I keep an eye on my competition for a variety of different reasons. I look at what social media they use and how often they use it. I look at what products they offer and how successful they are in selling them. I also watch their blog posting frequency to understand how often they post a new blog post.

It’s important to keep track of these things because chances are, they’re watching you, or some other form of blogging competition is keeping an eye on you.

You might want to mimic how often you should blog based on how often your competition is blogging.

If they’re blogging twice a week, maybe it will serve you better to blog twice a week, too. However, you might want to blog more than your competition, so that you might try three times a week instead.

Watching your competition can help you with blog post frequency and other great things, so you should definitely turn it into a habit.


Does Blog Frequency Impact SEO Rankings?

Yes and no.

Google and other search engines are not penalizing your blog because you’re not posting enough content. So, the no is mainly geared at that. Don’t feel like you have to post or you won’t be allowed to join the search engine club. That’s definitely not how it works.

But the yes part of the answer applies to how often your content gets indexed by Google and other search engines for getting put on and ranked in search engines.

The more you post, the more the search engine will visit to index your content.

Posting once a month will result in a very slow growth in search engine ranking. Posting one to three times a week will keep a good slow search engine ranking.

But at the end of the day, consistency is way more important than frequency. If you blog once a week, then keep that same schedule to remain consistent. If you blog every day at noon, keep that same schedule to remain consistent.

Consistency tells search engines and your readers when to expect new content. It’s most helpful for the side of telling your readers when to organically come back to your blog and expect to see something new written from you.

Frequency might help with SEO, but good SEO practices will still be your main component of getting ranked on search engines.


Daily Blogging Challenge

Take this challenge to see if you got what it takes.

Choose a day to start. I typically choose the first day of a new month.

Start posting a new blog post on day one and then commit to posting one every single day for the entire month or at least 30 days straight.

Try to write every day. It’s fine if you write a few posts and schedule them ahead of time. But try to keep writing every day nonetheless, as it’s an important part of the challenge to yourself to be able to write every day for a month.

Writing every day will turn it into a daily habit. It will give you discipline and organization. It’s really the main meat of the challenge itself – to be able to write something on a daily basis.

But remember, this is just a challenge, not a requirement. If you miss a day, no big deal. Suppose you miss publishing a post, no big deal. You don’t win anything for this challenge. You are simply doing it to test your limits and see if you have what it takes.

It might take more years of experience until you get to a point where you can post on a daily basis.

And that’s fine if it takes a while.


Final Thoughts about Posting Frequency

My final thoughts on the topic of how often you should blog boil down to consistency, which is the most important factor of this whole topic.

How consistent can you be with your blogging schedule?

If you can post once a week and remain consistent about it, that will be good for your blog. I post once a week myself. Eventually, I’ll post twice to even three times a week, but for now, I’m enjoying being consistent in posting once a week.

And my once-a-week post is helping my blog grow, and that’s all that matters to me.

Find your consistent posting schedule and keep up the pace.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog post. If you did, please share it with other bloggers. Consider joining my free online community, Blogging Collective, to converse with other bloggers about how often you should post a new blog.

Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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