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How to Grow Your Blog without SEO (An SEO-less Marketing Guide)

Do you ever just want to grow your blog without SEO?

Google is always changing its algorithm. It seems like right when you find that sweet spot that is getting you better rankings on search engines; Google throws in a surprise algorithm update to ruin your day.

It’s a never-ending story with search engines. They keep updating the algorithm to serve their search users when it’s us content creators who are the ones keeping them in business at the end of the day.

I like being ranked on Google search but sometimes it’s pretty hard to accomplish it.

So, what do you do then?

As I said above, you can grow your blog without SEO and start getting more readers. Don’t worry—this guide will show you how.

Do but Don’t Grow Your Blog without SEO in Mind

While this post emphasizes how to grow your blog without SEO, it’s still important to note the value of SEO.

It isn’t as difficult to do SEO on your blog as you might think. You have to master keyword research. Then, you have to learn search volume, keyword competition, and search intent. After that, simple keyword placement strategies will get you on page one.

So, while this article covers the non-SEO aspects of marketing, I still recommend that you learn SEO and use it.

That’s all I’ll say about that. Now, let’s get to the non-SEO stuff.


Grow Your Blog without SEO Using Content

Content marketing is going to be one of the more important methods of growing your blog without SEO.

Find other relevant blogs and leave comments on them. Don’t spam. Leave comments that are high-quality and engage not only the blog author but any other reader who happens to see the comment. You’re trying to gain the blog author and their readers as your readers in this instance. If your comment is generic, it’ll be overlooked quickly.

Guest posts on other relevant blogs. Write articles for them as you would for your own blog. They need to be of high quality and extreme value. Keep requesting to be a guest blogger. Some will reject you, but others will accept, especially if you have great content to show as proof. Guest blogging grows your reputation, so make sure you make it count.

Post relevant content on other platforms besides your blog, such as Tumblr or Medium. Make sure the content is unique and original. Include a link and information about your blog in the bio and relevant links to your content throughout the article. Make sure the content is valuable and not spammy because posting on these sites will also help grow your reputation and authority in your niche.

Grow Your Blog without SEO

Grow Your Blog without SEO Using Alternative Sources

There are many alternative ways to grow your blog without SEO.

One of the best ways to do that is by creating a newsletter and offering a valuable lead magnet. A newsletter is a direct line to your readers without search engines or algorithms getting in the way. A lead magnet is something you give away for free (of high value) in return that a person subscribing to your newsletter. Just make sure you send out an awesome newsletter to ensure that subscribers stay subscribed to it.

Consider utilizing paid advertisements to increase blog traffic and readership. It’s best not to spend money unless you have a goal to make more money than what you spent on advertising. However, sometimes traffic and readers can eventually lead to profit-making opportunities. Do some low-risk advertising on relevant blogs, podcasts, newsletters, and social media, and watch your analytics closely.

Try to get interviewed as much as possible. Get interviewed on podcasts, your local news, other blogs, and other ways. Interviews can help you gain new readers and audience members, especially if the interviewer is based on a relevant niche or topic. Even if the interviewer isn’t exactly based on your topic, it can still be beneficial in getting you more readers.


Grow Your Blog without SEO Using Social Media

Social media is going to be one of the better ways to grow your blog without SEO.

You should use social media platforms where your target audience is. You’ll need to research them. Then, you want to post where they are on the social media platform, such as engaging on their pages, posting in groups, or participating in live events. The more you post and the more you engage on social media, the more readers you’ll gain with your blog. However, constantly posting blog links isn’t enough. You have to build loyal followers by developing relationships on social media.

You should be collaborating with other bloggers, social media creators, and influencers. Do cross-promotional and cross-posting projects with one another. You’ll basically share your audience with them as they will do with you. Try to collaborate often. It will also help develop your reputation and authority within your niche.

Join forums, online communities, and question sites like Quora and Reddit. Post relevant and unique content on a daily basis, engage often, and get your name out there. Don’t join to spam your blog link. Join to build your reputation and authority in your niche. Ultimately, that is what’s going to help you grow your audience the most.


Grow Your Blog without SEO using Public Relations.

Public relations is a great way to grow your blog without SEO as long as you do it right.

Try to market your blog offline as much as possible. This includes telling friends and family about it. Make some business cards and give them out. If appropriate, post some fliers up around town in places where it’s allowed. Contact local Chamber of Commerce departments and see if there are any business resources available for blog businesses. Do speaking events. Do virtual speaking events. Do news interviews if you can. Become locally known even if your niche isn’t really a local thing.

Focus on building relationships with your current readers. The more loyal they become, the more people they’ll refer to you. You could even do some referral contests or giveaways to have established readers help bring you more readers. The closer you are to your readers, the more loyal they will become. While you want more readers to visit your blog, you definitely want them to keep returning.

Try to give the best customer service you can give. Readers love it when you respond fast and with the answer they’re looking for. You can then ask that they give you a review. If you use Google Business Reviews, this can help you get more readers who will be loyal. Always be fast to help, friendly, and okay with answering the same questions over and over again.


Final Thoughts About Growing Your Blog Without SEO

It’s easy to grow your blog without SEO. While you should definitely use SEO to your advantage, you don’t have to rely on it completely, and you shouldn’t.

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Shawn Gossman

About the Author

Shawn Gossman has created content, blogged, ran online communities, and shared a passion for digital marketing for over twenty years. Shawn believes the best way to help content creators, businesses, brands, and marketers is to give away more than you sell. The same advice is recommended for the readers who follow this blog. Shawn also offers various services for extra help in content creation and blogging.

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