Serious Bloggers

Weekly Blogging Tips and Resources for Bloggers Who Want to Make Money Blogging!

Subscribe now for weekly blogging tips, blogging resources, and curated links to really resourceful articles, social media posts, and other bloggers who’ll help you make your blog even better. Ready to make money blogging and take your blog to the next level? Then you need to subscribe today; it’s free!

Why Subscribe to Serious Bloggers?

Why not?

It’s free. It’s weekly emails. It’s a different email each week. If you don’t like it, unsubscribe. It’s really that simple.

What do I include in it, though? Well, I like to include…

  • A few different articles about blogging that aren’t on my blog (aka exclusive content)
  • Links to cool tools and resources that I’ve found online that would help bloggers
  • Links to cool social media posts and other blog articles that I think folks would like
  • And, of course, links to my latest articles, social media posts, and even a sneak peek into my paid community!

Listen, here’s the thing about newsletters…

Social media algorithms might stop you from seeing my content. It might be the content that you need to save your blog. Search engines might not put my latest post on page one. That post might be what you missed in order to start making money with your blog.

Algorithms and search engines are pesky little bastards.

But my newsletter is a direct contact from me to you. Nothing in the way of that. So, you’ll get to see what I have to say.

If you don’t like it, unsubscribe, and that’s that! I won’t send you any more emails unless you come back.

That’s why you should subscribe!

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