by Shawn Gossman | Apr 3, 2023 | Mailing List
How to Micro-Profit with a Newsletter and Blog Would you like to micro-profit from your newsletter and blog? Micro-profiting means earning smaller amounts of money or profit for your brand or business that typically is significantly lower than the profit margin you...
by Shawn Gossman | Feb 20, 2023 | Blogging Business
5 Year Blogging Strategy (Steal this Template!) A blogging strategy results in successful blogging. Are you a brand new blogger? Are you considering starting a blog? Have you been blogging for one or two years with no real results? Do you think blogging isn’t...
by Shawn Gossman | Feb 15, 2023 | Blog Creation
One Hundred and One 101 Today marks an achievement and the end of a challenge. I wanted to see if I could publish a post on this blog daily. I did it. I did it for 101 days straight. This is the 101st blog post since I started blogging daily on this blog. I also did...
by Shawn Gossman | Feb 14, 2023 | Blog SEO
Blog Post SEO Checklist Are you looking for an accurate blog post SEO checklist? SEO is an important practice if you’re into blogging or article publishing. It’s how you see your content on such a vast and competitive internet. You don’t have to use...
by Shawn Gossman | Feb 2, 2023 | Blog Creation
10 Great Blogging Niche Ideas to Give You Inspiration You need a great blogging niche to do well with your blog. But sometimes, it’s hard to come up with the best niche. A niche is the blog’s topic, in case you don’t know. It’s the topic you blog about, the industry...